12 Reasons Why You Struggle With Makeup | The Odyssey Online
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12 Reasons Why You Struggle With Makeup

A little can go a long way in the world of makeup.

12 Reasons Why You Struggle With Makeup
Jaclyn Hill Makeup

Makeup can be tricky if you are not familiar with the process. Below are 12 reasons that you may be struggling with your makeup routine, and suggestions as to how to fix those mistakes!

1. Washing your makeup brushes

Washing makeup brushes is a chore. Even though washing your brushes can be a hassle, it's important that you keep them clean for sanitary purposes.

When a brush is continuously used, product builds up. Not only will washing your brushes help with the cleanliness, but it will also help with the application of your makeup.

Tip: for a quick cleaning of your brushes try having rubbing alcohol and some water in a spray bottle. After every use, in between washings, spray the brushes and wipe away excess product on a paper towel.

2. Applying liquid foundation straight to the brush

Applying foundation from the brush to the face can transfer too much product and lead to the product becoming thick and noticeable on the face. Depositing foundation on the back of your hand and applying the foundation to your face in small increments is a technique to use to help prevent the overuse of product. It is easier to build your foundation to the coverage that you want with this technique.

3. Matching your foundation shade

Finding a matching foundation shade can be tricky. When trying to find the correct shade, match to the color you your neck. If you match your foundation to the color of your face, you risk the chance of your face and neck not being the same color.

4. Not setting your concealer

Concealer is great to highlight and conceal dark eyes. When applying concealer under the eyes, you want to set the concealer as soon as possible to help prevent under eye creasing.

Tip: if you don't want to add additional coverage, try setting your under eye with a translucent powder. Watch out for too much powder! A light wash will do just fine.

5. Not setting your t-zone

Your t-zone is one of the oiliest parts of your face. Setting across the forehead, down the nose, and the chin can help your makeup last longer throughout the day.

6) Cake face

It is easy to get carried away with liquid foundation and powder. Using too much of one or both of these products can lead to a thick texture on the skin. The layers of foundation and/or powder set deep within your fine lines/wrinkles and build up on one another.

Tip: applying product a small bit at a time can help prevent your from applying too much.

7) The shade of bronzer you are using

There are different shades of bronzers. Some are cool toned, and others are warmer. Typically, if you are trying to go with a bronze/summer look, a bronzer with a more orange/red tone would look great. Even a bronzer with a bit of shimmer would look nice. If you are trying to achieve that chiseled contour look, a cool toned (matte) bronzer can help you achieve the desired shadowed effects.

8) Mixing liquid with powder

Always apply your liquid products before your powders. Powders often are used to set liquids, but when a liquid is combined or put over a powder, the consistency of the formula changes and breaks up. Applying liquid products first will help with the application of powders and all other products.

9) Eye shape

Everyone has a different eye shape. Your eyes could be hooded, downturned, almond, or round. Based upon your eye shape, the way you apply eye shadow can vary.

Hooded eyes (also known as monolids) have little to no visible crease.

Downturned eyes have the outer corners of the eyes droop slightly.

Almond eyes are elongated with slightly upswept outer corners.

Round eyes have more white space around the pupils.

10) Skin type

It is good to know what your skin type is. Cosmetic and skin care products are aimed at a variety of skin types: dry, normal, oily, and combination skin. Knowing your skin type can help you get the best out of the products you buy. For instance, if you have oily skin, you may want to stay away from products with “luminous” claims.

11) Clean skin and moisturizer

Applying makeup to a clean and moisturized face allows for a smooth and clean application of products. Having a clean face can help combat germs and strips away impurities that can cause texture on the skin.

Tip: if you are going to be out in the sun, try a moisturizer with a physical SPF.

12) Primer

Primer can be very important in prolonging your makeup. Not only can a primer help with the longevity of your makeup, but certain primers have the effect of mattifying your skin and filling your pores for a smooth surface.

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