12 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Bones
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12 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Bones

"I feel you will find a home here."

12 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Bones

*Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Bones is currently Fox's longest-running one-hour TV show on the network, and with good reason. Inspired by the novels and real life of forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, the show merges murder, humor and love to create one of the most scientifically fascinating TV shows. With 11 seasons, you form special attachments and relationships to the beloved characters.

Sitting down on Thursday nights at eight is like catching up with your quirky family.

So if you haven't gotten around to watching the best murder mystery show, you should. Read these reasons and then immediately go binge watch the entire series on Netflix. You can thank me later.

1. "I don't know what that means."

In nearly every episode, especially in the beginning, awkward genius forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperance Brennan always misses a pop culture reference made by the team.

Booth: Split the difference. Mixed race.

Angela: Lenny Kravitz or Vanessa Williams?

Bones: I don't know what that means.

2. Hodgins' Experiments

Everyone's favorite goofball on the show is the resident entomologist, botanist and mineralogist Dr. Jack Hodgins. And we love his big blue eyes, but we also love all of the wacky experiments he insists on doing. It just sucks that usually Cam is the victim of nearly half of the messy ones.

3. Hodgins' Anger/Sarcasm

Remember when he used to wear a rubber band around his wrist and he would snap it whenever he got angry? It happened every time he was around Zack, before they became best friends.

Hodgins: I'm taking the clothing.

Zack: Why? You're a botanist.

Hodgins: Yeah. And a mineralogist and an entomologist. Which gives me the same number of doctorates as the two of you put together. Because you don't have any!

4. Booth's Nicknames

Booth gives everything a nickname, and it started with Brennan in the very beginning with his affectionate nickname of Bones. But it doesn't stop there. He calls the interns Squinterns, the scientists Squints (Because they squint at things), Hodgins Bug Boy, Vincent Nigel-Murray the English Squintern, Gormogon Gorgonzola. You get the point, Booth really loves his nicknames.

5. Booth And Brennan Go Undercover

These two love going undercover on a case, and it just proves that the two of them were exactly meant to be.

Team Buck and Wanda Moosejaw or Team Tony and Roxy Scallion?

6. King Of The Lab

This started between Hodgins and Zack on who could help solve the murder faster. In later seasons, it's mostly just a competition for himself.

7. The Serial Killers

This show has the most fascinating storylines and backstories for the featured serial killers they deal with throughout the season. A face eating cannibal? Ghost killers? Hackers who manage to evade house arrest? A woman who buries people alive for multimillion dollar ransoms? Guaranteed to keep you up all night.

8. The Love Stories

Whether it's Booth and Brennan, Angela and Jack or Arastoo and Cam, the love in this show is incredible and will give you all of the feels.

Booth: I worked really, really hard on my vows, but you know, now that we're here, look, um, hey. Do you remember the last time that we were here? Standing right around in this spot? It was right in the beginning before we really knew each other. I was trying to get away from you because you were irritating me and, uh, you chased me down, and you caught up to me and I said to you, 'Listen, I just have to get all my ducks in a row' and you said to me -

Brennan: 'I can be a duck.'

Booth: Yeah. You know we had been chasing each other for a long time. Chasing each other through wars and serial killers and ghosts and snakes. And now chasing you has been the smartest thing that I have ever done in my life. And being chased by you has been my greatest joy. But now, we, uh, we don't have to chase each other anymore because we caught each other.

9. Every Time Someone Thought B&B Were A Couple Before They Were A Couple

Sweets: I know you two have been forthcoming about your feelings for each other in the past.

Booth: And the past is the past.

Sweets: But as a couple ...

Brennan: No, Booth and I are not a couple.

10. All Of The Heroic Life Saving Going On

Everyone loves a hero, and this show's got plenty. Taking bullets for each other, knocking out serial killers, what more can you ask for?

11. How Brennan Stops Suspects

Is she an agent? No. Does she like to take Booth's job and tell possible suspects to stop because she's the FBI, even though she's not really in the FBI? Yes.

12. For All The Times Hodgins Is A Murder Suspect

Technically he's never been pursued as a suspect, but evidence has suggested him multiple times.

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