When I was younger the first day of school was something I looked forward too. Now as I have grown up I just want to go back to kindergarten or take a vacation every 6 months 2 times a year! Here are some of the experiences I endure on the first day of college.
1. All the Freshmen are confused and will probably run into you
2. ICEBREAKERS usually just break you instead
3. Your teachers will probably act super extra the first day
4. By the end of the day you will accumulate a huge list of books to buy
5. You will sweat from nervousness
6. You will have to meet new people whose names you will forget
7. You will be exhausted at the end of the day
8. You will see random acquaintances that will promise to grab coffee but let's be real that coffee is never going to be grabbed
9. You will probably make a trip to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts
10. You will have that one teacher who gives HW on the first day
11. You will probably never read the syllabus
12. You will reconsider your decision to go to college
GiphyIf you could you relate to any of these can I get a hands up emoji?! First days are boring but hey we have to start somewhere.
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