If you don't know me, let me tell ya something: I FREAKING LOVE "STAR WARS". It's my absolute favorite along with "Star Trek", "Lord of the Rings", and "Doctor Who", but I'm going to take some time today to just talk about "Star Wars". If I could have a job where my only duties were to talk about "Star Wars", I would never leave that job, but I'll take this for now. And so, without any further ado, here are my 12 reasons why "Star Wars" is the best thing ever:
12. The Music
John Williams is a beast. Chances are you've heard his work a couple of times over, but his work on "Star Wars" is my personal favorite. I can't help but cheer when I see that title screen and hear the first few notes of the famous "Star Wars" theme. Although, I have to say the Imperial Theme is my favorite. I've accepted the Imperial Theme as my Life Song.
11. Han Solo
I love him so much, he gets his own point. I mean, who wouldn't want a scruffy-looking smuggler? Right? I think he's perfect for Princess Leia, but I also want him to be all mine. #TheStruggle
10. Princess Leia
Yes, if Han Solo gets his own point, so does Princess Leia. For as long as I can remember, Princess Leia has been a positive role model of mine. She's sassy, strong, and rules the rebellion with grace and wisdom. Arguably, she's the best character.
9. Jedi
Ah yes, the Jedi. What would "Star Wars" be without them? We certainly would be missing all of the lightsaber battles. I think every little kid dreams of becoming a Jedi Knight (I still do).
8. Sith
In order for a story to work, you need a conflict. For the Jedi, that conflict comes in the form of the Sith. I've been told on many occasions by different Buzzfeed Quizzes that I am actually on the Dark Side, and, frankly, I'm not that upset about it. The Sith get sweet black robes to saunter around in and apparently masks, too. Count me in.
7. The Battles
Most of my favorite scenes in the now seven "Star Wars" movies happen during the battles. I love it when the characters are seemingly hopeless, the music mixes with your heart beat as you wonder what's going to happen. It just amazes me.
6. Character Development
Any good series needs character development. The first example that comes to mind has to be Luke. When you first meet Luke on his Uncle's Moisture Farm, he's a whiny kid. He's actually pretty annoying. But the last time you see him in "The Return of the Jedi", he's a full blown Jedi Knight.
5. The Legacy
The "Star Wars" franchise ranges almost 40 years. Very few movie franchises can boast numbers like that. The films are able to connect with multiple generations, and it's utterly amazing. I look forward to the day when I sit my kids down to watch the movies for the first time.
4. The Star Wars Universe
What's really great about "Star War" is that the story continues way beyond the movies. There are hundreds of books detailing what happens before and after, countless comics, and fan-fiction. The "Star Wars" Universe is very well planned out, and for that, I am grateful.
3. The Force Awakens
So, I am re-watching the prequels, and yes, they're not the best. That upsets me. But the new generation is the bomb-diggity. It reminded me so much of the original trilogy, and it made me so happy. Say what you will about the storyline, I liked it and am very excited to see where it goes.
2. Rey
One of the best new things about "The Force Awakens" was Rey. She's an excellent addition to the strong "Star Wars" women group. I also love theorizing with people about Rey's parentage, and so does everyone else.
1. The Commitment
"Star Wars" would not be what it is if not the dedication of its crew and cast. I can't say I've been on a film set as big as "Star Wars," but just gaining an idea from the ones I have been on, it takes a lot of strength and commitment to take on a project this big.