For anyone who knows me (and probably even people who don’t know me as well), you know I am completely obsessed with pizza. I listed a few reasons why below, and I stand by the statement that being in a relationship with pizza is the best relationship there can be.
1. Because it involves cheese.
Who doesn’t like cheese?
2. Because it works for every meal.
There’s no meal where pizza is not appropriate. It can make a good breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It is also good hot or cold, which provides versatility.
3. Because there are so many variations of it.
There are dessert pizzas, cheese pizzas, veggie pizzas and meat pizzas. You have your choice of what you want-- the world is your oyster.
4. Because it is reliable.
Pizza will always show up on your doorstep when you order it. There’s no shadiness or stress about it’s intentions.
5. Because it doesn’t argue with you.
Pizza cannot talk back to you. No matter what your opinion is.
6. Because it always accepts you.
Pizza will always be there for you no matter what, and never judges you. Whether its 2am or 8am, it is just a phone call away.
7. Because most friends approve of it.
I haven’t met someone who doesn’t like pizza. There are no worries about friends accepting it or approving of it. It is appreciated by all, and it even brings people together.
8. Because large is better.
No explanation needed. More pizza is better.
9. No one will judge you for eating multiple pieces.
You can eat as much pizza as you want without worrying about upsetting anyone (unless it was their pizza). Sharing pizza is encouraged and often celebrated.
10. Because it satisfies you.
There’s no feeling equivalent to eating a few slices of pizza and just being in complete oblivion.
11. Pizza won’t cheat on you.
Pizza is always there for you and only you. If other people want it, they can order their own.
12. Pizza never lets you down.
Pizza is a beautiful creation and is always there for you. There has never been a time that it has disappointed me or let me down.