" Harry Potter" has always been a series that you either absolutely love or hate with a passion. I am sure if you are a Harry Potter fan and read this article that you're reading it as an excuse to relish more in the best series ever. Or, if you're not a Harry Potter fan and happen to stumble upon this article on accident, you have probably already clicked out of it. However, in the off chance that you are still reading, here are the top 12 reasons why Harry Potter is the best series ever.
1. It is a love story in more ways than one.
The picture above contains the series' most famous couple, Ron and Hermione. However, many different love stories exist within the one story of Harry Potter. Stories of not only romantic love, but sacrificial love, parental love, compassionate love, discreet love, unconditional love, and unrequited love. A husband dying for a wife, a loyal servant dying for their master, and even a twin brother dying for the other are all intertwined in this intricate story.
2. A fantastic imaginary world.
With its beautiful, intricate architecture and majestic landscapes, the wizarding world captures the best descriptions of where Harry's adventures take place. Every movie and book's description of the setting will exhibit the wildest parts of your imagination and dig you deeper into the magical land of Harry Potter.
3. Enchanting creatures
The hallowing, exuberantly designed creatures that enchant the Harry Potter universe will both entertain and terrify you. With their unique gifts and abilities and powerfully enchanting looks, these creatures exhibit a large piece of what makes up the world of Harry Potter. Many of the creatures are inspired from characters of myths and legends told in our world, and have personalities and act as guides or get in the way of the character's paths. The Harry Potter world would be half as magical as it is without the creatures inhabiting it.
4. An intricate plot
Obviously if it has such a big fan base, Harry Potter has to have an amazing plot. JK Rowling's fantastic writing distributed into 7 books contains many different plot twists and turns that will keep you on your feet and never bored. The plot follows Harry, a young wizard boy, from his start at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at around age 12, all the way into his adult years. Characters are killed and created, people fall in and out of love, and problems arise and are solved all leading up to Harry's final triumph to save the wizarding world.
5. Fantastic character development
As stated in the last fact, Harry Potter is followed along the track from Harry at age 12 to Harry as an adult. These many years of plotline allow for serious character development on JK Rowling's part. For example, we see Harry as a timid and scared little boy who has no idea of his strong wizarding powers, morph into a brave and honorable solider for the wizarding world who must save his universe from the darkness that presides over it. All of the characters in the series develop along with Harry, and all play intricate roles into the development of the story.
6. Quidditch
Quidditch is one of the most, if not the most, entertaining parts of Harry Potter. Quidditch is a sport similar to soccer or football in our world, but is played while flying on broomsticks in the wizarding world. The vital role that Quidditch plays in Harry and his friends' lives is captivating as we watch the games and competitions between wizard classmates. Not only is Quidditch featured in the Harry Potter universe, but it has become so popular that it is a real sport played in our world, most popular among college sports organizations.
7. Beautiful musical scores
The Harry Potter films would not be as magical and glorious as they are without the beautiful soundtracks that accompany them. The enchanting and chilling music that is played during the scenes of the movies makes you fall in love with them even more. The soundtracks perfectly capture the plot of the books and set the right tone of the scene.
8. Intense battle scenes
The whole Harry Potter series is basically a bunch of smaller battles leading up to one big battle at the very end. The powerful magic exhibited on both sides of the battles provides of intense fight scenes crafted to pull you right into the scene. If anything attracts you to the magic of Harry Potter, its intense fights should.
9. An amazing fandom
The fans that make up the Harry Potter fandom are some of the craziest, most obsessed people you will ever meet or talk to. Each HP fan comes with their own individual obsessions of different parts of the series. We fans argue about different plot holes, cry over tragic character deaths, and create and laugh at hilarious memes of the relishing series that captivated all of our hearts.
10. It contains real-life issues
While the series is fantasy, it contains real life issues that those of us without magical abilities experience and deal with everyday. Those issues include death, relationship struggles, abandonment, adoption, caring for the poor, law and order, and making tough choices. Many fans love HP so much because of its unique way of being so much like our world, with our issues and circumstances, but with a little extra magic involved.
11. Amazingly evil characters
Many evil characters, including the main Dark Lord himself, Voldemort, inhabit the wizarding world and make it a dark place for Harry Potter and his friends. However, many of the characters' background stories and motives are so beautifully developed throughout the series that it is hard to hate them entirely. Plus, you have to admit: bad guy costumes are always super cool.
12. No other series can compete with the magic of Harry Potter
Many other long series with intricate plots and interesting characters exist in our world today, but none can compare with that of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is so magical and captivating because Harry starts off as someone just like you and I; a normal person with problems in his life and big dreams ahead of him. He becomes everything that we strive to be; honorable, brave, compassionate, and a hero. It is the best underdog story ever, and will inspire you to be as great as Harry Potter and, like him, save your own little world.