I have always grown up around animals. Although I’m very allergic to them, it has never stopped me from cuddling my furry friends and I'm sure there are many others who do the same. Being a pet owner is something I consider an achievement. You teach them, train them, and get to watch them age they grow up way too quickly.
1. They’re always there for you
No matter how hard your day was, you are instantly energized by the seemingly smiling furry friend who has been waiting patiently for you to come home all day.
2. They’ll never judge you -- harshly
Life is full of judgement. Everywhere you go, someone is probably throwing shade. However, with your pets, they accept you for who you are. Plus, they've already seen you do some pretty weird stuff and probably think nothing of it now. They love you and all your flaws.
3. They share your emotions
It seems like you and your pet’s emotions are wired together. They can tell when you're upset and need some cheering up, or even when it's time to relax and cuddle. And when you get excited, they do, too. Even if they don't even know the reason why.
4. They teach patience
Because it’s something you need when your new puppy just can’t get to the bathroom in time. Or when they occasionally cross their boundaries.
5. They always will make your child feel loved
Although some may take time to get used another attention hogging being around, after a while, they're treating them as their own.
6. They’ll always make you laugh
Let's face it, they're not all smart, and some of their actions are questionable. However, they do it to make you smile.
7. They're the best cuddlers
They're always up for cuddles.
8. No matter how much you tease them, they'll still love you
9. Because they know there will always be a chance to get you back.
10. They get to know your language and you get to know theirs
You eventually find yourself spelling out words instead of saying them. Words like "ride" or "treat" can trigger an outburst of excitement, while words like "bath" or "clippers" instantly sends your pet running for cover. But they're not the only ones who are bilingual. You come to recognize the various looks your animals give you. Like the "I need to go pee," or the "get your butt over here and scratch my belly" look.
11. They're eager for your leftovers (enough if you're not completely done)
Over time, your pets learn to love human food more than their own and you're OK with that. At least you won't have to eat yesterday's leftovers because your furry friend already devoured it hours ago.
12. It's an amazing feeling to know that someone not only needs you, but wants you as well
Although pets will come and go. Some may pass on unexpectedly, while others stick around for years, watching your child grow as they age. During their time with you, their only goal is to bring joy. I once read somewhere “They may only be a part of your life, for them, you are their whole life.” Although your child may know that the world does not revolve around them, it would be nice for them to have as least one thing who was only there to please them.