I hope I'm not alone when I say that I love books more than people. Book are one of the greatest gifts to mankind and they deserve to be appreciated. Having the ability to read at all is a gift in itself. This list is dedicated to all bibliophiles and any other lover of books.
1. They bring you into a different world.
The great thing about reading is that even though you're reading someone else's words, your brain creates the images in your mind. Why bother with television when you have books?
2. Books will never judge you.
You could be wearing stained clothing, have no makeup, and be stuffing your face with a burrito, and your book will love you just the same.
3. They smell really good.
Have you ever sniffed a book? The smell is absolutely enticing. Some people just don't smell that good.
4. You can travel everywhere and anywhere with them.
Yeah you can travel with other people, but books don't need to buy a plane ticket. All you have to do is stick about 6 of them in your purse and you're good to go.
5. Books will never annoy you.
You will never feel the urge to punch your book, unless your favorite character dies of course.
6. They don't need your attention.
Humans are constantly craving interaction, but with books they know that you'll come when you're good and ready. Because when it comes to reading all your attention is focused on them.
7. There are so many to choose from.
You can't choose your family and I guess you have a choice when it comes to your friends, but with books there are so many to choose from. Do you want to read horror? Or are you in the mood to read romance? The choice is yours.
8. You can never have enough.
You can't buy people, but you can buy books. You can have a house filled with books and still find space to buy more.
9. You fall in love at least once a week.
You know that there is that one character that makes you swoon more than any boy/girl can. They are the epitome of relationship goals and no one will ever be able to measure up no matter how hard they try.
10. Books don't get hungry.
It's the opposite really, because you're always hungry to read more. Plus you don't have to share your food with a book.
11. Books will never leave you.
They will be there anytime during the day or night to comfort you in your time of need. Your books will never grow legs and leave you, and if by some sort of miracle they do, seek help immediately.
12. They are essentially the greatest things on earth.
Books are greatest things ever and if you don't agree, you're missing out.