Deciding what college do go to is one of the hardest decisions to make by far. Unless you have the college you want to go to in mind from the time you are born, choosing a school involves a ton of contemplating and swaying back and forth. Sometimes it can be hard to find a balance of what you want in so many options. A big sports program? Greek life? Good academics? Location? Ultimately though, choosing a big school is one of the best decisions you can make. Big schools can cover absolutely everything and anything and heres why...
1. Tailgates. Simply tailgates.
Tailgating on game day is just one of those experiences that you DO NOT wanna miss. If you do you will have serious FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
2. A big school has more people to meet everyday which means more friends and connections to make.
College is about getting an education but there is also a huge social aspect of it and going to a big school where there are tons of people to meet can make the social experience 10,000 times better.
3. You can embarrass yourself and don't have to worry about most people remembering you/seeing them again.
Tripped and fell in the dining hall the other day. Dropped all my food all over the floor and broke the plate. But who cares? Probably wont see anyone who say it happen again.
4. The opportunities are seriously endless.
Me too Rachel! And basically only gonna be able to get one of those job things because I went to a school with so many advisors and experiences to take advantage of.
5. Theres a variety of majors to choose from so you don't have to compromise on one you don't actually want.
Part of the reason I didn't chose one of the smaller schools I was looking at was because they did not offer one of the majors I was considering. At a big school I have all the choices under the sun for a major.
6. School spirit is wild.
There is absolutely no feeling like watching your school's team score a touchdown and watching the stands go wild. Trust me you want to experience it.
7. Big universities usually hold name recognition.
It is nice when people ask where you go to school and are able to say that they know someone who went there or that they are familiar with a program at the school.
8. Big schools = big alumni networks.
You are gonna want all those connections when you are looking for a job someday.
9. There are tons of professors in each major that you can go to for practically anything.
Whether its to cry because you are stressed out during finals or to get help with a paper its nice to know that you have a huge support network.
10. There is ample amounts of people to go out with and hang with.
Being with the same people all the time can get frustrating and big schools offer the chance to hop around and hang with new people whenever you want.
11. Greek life at big schools is amazing, but not a all or nothing type of deal because there are so many other clubs and organizations.
Everyone has their "thing" and at a big school there is a club for absolutely anyone and anything.
12. The cliche "you can make a big school small but you can't make a small school big."
If you go to a big school 100% you will be as excited to learn as Lilly from Modern Family.