If you've ever heard Twenty One Pilots, but not looked into the people behind the music, then you might think that they are a couple of weirdos singing about their problems. However, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are hilarious and heartwarming people who make amazing music. Here are some reasons why they are so fantastic!
1. They show their fans how much they matter.
Whether it's for the few, the proud, or the emotional, Tyler and Josh write their music with the fans in mind because they greatly value their opinions. They remind their audience of that at the end of every show by saying "We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you!" which makes their show just that much more special.
2. All of the lyrics relate to someone.
The lyrics of their songs are deep and emotional, however, they can be interpreted in many different ways. All that I know is that these lyrics are relatable to everyone!
3. Their songs don't objectify women.
Unlike most music that's commonly played on the radio, Twenty One Pilots' lyrics do not objectify women. I think that's pretty awesome.
4. Tyler and Josh are best friends.
Constantly working together and spending almost every waking moment with band members can drive a wedge between some people. However, the boys are extremely close and they joke around with each other all the time. Aren't they cute?
5. They put on the best concerts!
If you've ever been to one of their shows, you'll know that it's truly a bonding experience between everyone. You will connect with the people who you went with on a deeper level because there's just something about them and their music that can change a person if it's experienced in real life. The finale is pretty exciting too.
6. There is a certain uniqueness to them.
Their music doesn't fall into a specific category. They write their own lyrics. They even paint themselves for their shows to help get into character of the song, with Josh and his red paint around his eyes and Tyler with his black hands and neck. Their wardrobe is anything from skinny jeans to beanies and floral kimonos to ski masks. It's just what they do and they're awesome for it.
7. They take time to have fun during their concerts.
Granted, most performers try to make their shows fun, but who goes drum surfing in the crowd? Josh Dun does. Who runs a fraction of the perimeter of the arena and climbs a ladder just to interact with the audience? Tyler Joseph does.
8. Their music isn't about romantic relationships.
Most artists these days just write about love in various ways, such as losing lose, finding love, and not understanding love. It's like that's the only thing that matters to them. However, the boys perform music about real life issues and common thoughts among young people, but we can't forget that Tyler's cover of Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling In Love" is one of the cutest things to exist.
9. They personally built their career.
When first starting out, Tyler and Josh (along with former members Nick Thomas and Chris Salih) would go door to door handing out tickets to community members to come out and see their show. Now that's dedication. So, here's a photo of them from a few years ago.
10. Some of their music addresses mental illness.
It's extraordinarily uncommon for artists to mention any kind of sadness in their music unless that sadness is streaming from some kind of broken heart from the end of a relationship. However, Twenty One Pilots sets the bar for mentioning mental illness within their music. In fact, some of the singing is actually screaming. The lyrics for some of the songs mention anything from depression to death and anxiety. This makes the music even more personal because many members of the crowd have experienced these feelings. They let you know that it's OK to not be OK all of the time.
11. They take very realistic photos.
While many celebrities focus on looking perfect for any photo that might be posted anywhere, they don't really mind being silly sometimes.
12. They're both from Ohio!
It can't get any better than that. Shout out to Ohio for producing Twenty One Pilots and for being mentioned in just about every television show for one reason or another. Apparently, Tyler runs his city.