Many friendships fade once high school ends and people begin to go their separate ways. However, there is something so special about your group of high school friends, especially when they are still prevalent in your life. Besides getting you through high school, they're there for you as you take on life's newest journeys. For many reasons and more, there's a lot to thank your high school friends for, for the way they were then and now.
1. They still make an effort to keep in touch.
Whether it's a random text in your group message to check in and see how everyone's doing or a big group reunion when you're all available, their efforts to stay updated on everyone's lives never goes unnoticed.
2. You know you're going to laugh until your stomach hurts when you finally see them.
From all the stupid memories you’ve made and the embarrassing moments you all endured, there’s always something to laugh about when you all talk and get together. Blackmail pictures are kept and often sent around, and you’ll never forget all the amazing times you guys had with each other.
3. There's no judgement, ever.
The dumbest, most ratchet, most embarrassing things you’ve done can be revealed when you’re with your high school friends. They’ve seen it all and it’s always expected to be a judgment-free zone when you're together.
4. They loved you through your awkward stages.
And can laugh about it all with you. The side bangs, the braces, the weird obsession with Juicy Couture jackets, the way you used to talk to boys… They stuck by you then, and they will definitely stick by you now.
5. They're always excited to see you.
Even if it's just been a few weeks or months, you all act like it's been years, and you get the warmest welcomings from them.
6. The way that they provide a sense of home.There’s nothing like catching up with a friend from your past when you’re feeling homesick. They know the ins and outs of your life and are the only people who can talk about your hometown for hours.
When you’re all home, there’s bound to be one of you who isn’t busy. Even if you haven’t talked to some of the people in weeks, you all can just pick up where you left off.
8. They’re supportive.
You need someone to like your sorority’s Instagram post to win that prize? Check. You need someone to assure you that you’re cuter than the girl your ex is with? Check. They have your back.
9. You never run out of things to talk about.
With so many diverse places and things you’ve been doing since high school, you’re bound to have millions of things to talk about when you all reunite.
10. They're encouraging.
If you’re having a bad day, you can always count on one of them to boost your confidence. They know the best characteristics you have and will do anything to make you feel better.
11. They just get you.
They've known you for years, so you never have to explain to them your family situation or your rocky history with your ex. They were there for it all and still keep up with your life updates.
12. Their newfound maturity.
You’ve all grown up, and the petty arguments that were prevalent in high school do not matter anymore. Sure, you’ll all get some laughs when you hear other drama from people you went to high school with, but your friend group is over any drama you had within your circle. You can now laugh about how insignificant events in your high school years played out.