12 Reasons To Be A Christmas Enthusiast
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12 Reasons To Be A Christmas Enthusiast

Featuring Buddy the Elf.

12 Reasons To Be A Christmas Enthusiast

I am one of those "Christmas" people. I can listen to Christmas music any day of the year and it will bring me joy. I love Santa, Christmas trees, hot chocolate, fuzzy socks, you name it. My two favorite movies of all time are Christmas movies. I have a Christmas Countdown website as a bookmark on my favorites. Yes, I am a bit obsessed with the holiday season. But you should be, too.

Twelve reasons I'm a Christmas Enthusiast, and you should be too– featuring Buddy the Elf.

1. Christmas lights. The ambiance these lights creates outshines all other lighting in the world (pun intended, funny, I know). Basically, they make everything they shine on, better. Cheerier. And who doesn't love driving around at night, appreciating the beautifully lit houses? They make the whole world happier. If you don't like Christmas lights–

2. Holiday movies. Whether it's a comedy, a classic, or a cheesy Hallmark movie, they leave you happier, lighter, and filled with Christmas cheer. Even if you're the Grinch. I know for a fact that everyone has a favorite holiday movie. If you don't, stop lying, everyone does.

3. Christmas apparel. Two of the best fashion inventions to date– Christmas sweaters and fuzzy socks. Fuzzy socks. Perfect for keeping toes warm, your steps squishy, and sliding around the house during dance parties (or karaoke sessions with yourself which turn into full-blown music videos). Christmas sweaters. Whether just a classic, solid sweater for warmth and family photos or a nice ugly Christmas sweater, these are the best to wear. They keep you warm, make other people happy just by looking at you, can be conversation starters, and you get to be festive. Above all, these socks and sweaters are comfortable, and comfort is the ultimate fashion goal.

4. Selflessness. The holiday season exemplifies the selflessness we all are capable of. Christmas is the season of giving, and it's a beautiful one. People think of themselves less, and ask what they can do for others more. We smile at strangers, buy (or make) endless amounts presents, and volunteer where help is needed. People are more kind to each other during the Christmas season, and it's a beautiful thing. We all try a little harder.

5. Holiday specialty drinks and scents. Peppermint mochas, gingersnap lattes, hot chocolates– let these soothe your soul. Holiday drinks are hugs in liquid form. I promise. And, holiday candle scents are unbeatable. Pine, apples and cinnamon, or even just a nice seasonal vanilla candle can make your home instantly cheery. The candle itself creates a nice aesthetic, and the smell will waft its way around your home, making you happier in a heartbeat.

6. Baking. Christmas yields an excuse for an excessive amount of baking. Go crazy. And, if you need a break, just make those delicious ready-to-bake sugar cookies with the cute little reindeer and snowmen on them. Tip: Make sure other people are around to help you eat these, or you will definitely eat the entire batch by yourself without hesitation.

7. Christmas music. Maybe its the sleigh bells, maybe its because they are the only songs I actually know every word to, and don't have to awkwardly hum or clap until the chorus– whatever it is, Christmas music is the best. It brings instantaneous happiness. Belt it out.

8. Wrapping presents.To date, the only creative project I have ever truly succeeded at is wrapping presents. They are so fun. Yes, sometimes, all you have is newspaper and tape, and it's the thought that counts, so you do your best– we've all been there. When you get to wrap a presents, and pick out the paper, and add bows, and tags, you get to be an elf for a few hours. It's exciting.

9. Christmas trees. Some people's favorite holiday tradition is picking out a tree, as a family, and taking it home. You get to decorate it, and pull out all the ornaments that you've cherished for years. The best ornaments are the homemade elementary art project ones that only a mother could love. My favorite thing to do is lie underneath the Christmas tree, staring up though the branches. The lights twinkle, and you can see some ornaments through the pines, and you can really get lost in your own little world. Something about it all is magical, and uncomparable to anything else, really. It's comforting, year after year, to be able to pretend I'm a little girl again, waiting for Santa to bring his presents, wanting to build a snowman or go sledding with my family.

10. Family time. Christmas brings people together. And families closer. Snuggles by the fire, opening presents, family parties– these timeless moments happen because of the holiday season. Everyone comes home. For at least one day, you get to be surrounded by people who love you endlessly. And that's pretty special (as long as you don't kill one another).

11. Snow. I am not a big snow person. But for at least one week of the year, snow is welcomed. Snow angels, snowball fights, sledding, ice skating– all imperative to a well-spent holiday season. Watching snow fall is mesmerizing, and oddly comforting. A Christmas is not complete unless it's a white one. Something about the snow silences the world. It makes your house the coziest place on earth.

12. Community. Holiday parades, holiday events, holiday trees– this season creates opportunities for neighbors to get together, for town parades, and for meeting Santa. College students come home, young adults with kids of their own return to mom and dad's for Christmas visits, towns fill up. They fill up with love, and kindness, and rekindling old friendships.

The holiday season is approaching.... be a Christmas Enthusiast!!

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