Let me explain where this comes from. I’m not a dancer by profession, nor have I trained intensely since I was three years old! This comes from a place in my heart that respects dance, dancers, and all forms of art. Arts are therapeutic and utterly necessary.
We fought for years about people, skin colors, religions, and now we need to fight for careers, hobbies, and professions. There is no profession in the world that is more or less respectable. If we understand that people are different, and we accept that people have their own unique factor we need to respect and support their ambitions.
Why is this so specific to dancers? Well, I’ve been dancing for about four years, as a hobby honestly, but in that span of time I have educated myself about dance and dancers. I have seen an experienced firsthand struggles, and the life experience dancers have is worth an entire article.
1. People do not realize that dancing is almost the equivalent of training for a sport. Both require training, extensive hours, focus, individual and team performances, and conditioning on daily basis for the body and mind.
2. Dancers cannot just make their way out of college and be placed. In fact that is when the real effort starts. They take the risk to make or break their life pursuing their passion, and yes, they know their risks.
3. Dancers cannot just get away with dancing. It is a business, one that requires social skills to succeed. Moreover, they need to not only work on dance, but build a solid variety of skills like singing or acting simultaneously. It' a demanding field, why? Because of what we as viewers respond to.
4. Dancers live a life of discipline. Be it in diet, posture, manners, or punctuality. They will never be caught off guard, and if they ever are? They’ll still be utterly graceful to a point where you want to instill these values.
5. They work hard, they sweat, and hardly get sleep, but they never fail to look presentable. They wear their confidence. You cannot pass by a dancer and not look back to have a second look.
6. They know how to work their emotions and feelings. They have managed to understand their own body and mind, making themselves able to channel their energy however and wherever they want, often leaving them in a peaceful and happy place.
7. They understand teamwork, helping others grow, and selfishness in success all at the same time. They work as a unit, a family, and still keep personal space.
8. Hell, they aren’t only brilliant performers, but they are flexible, strong, and lean.
9. Not everyone likes dancing, but every individual likes some form of dance. Watching dancers perform your favorite form of dance often brings happiness. They make people happy!
10. They are people who tell stories without words, and ignite a message within you, all through movement.
11. They are motivators, and inspire people not to dance necessarily but to really do something with their lives. They give a sense of hope and accomplishment to the places humankind can go.
12. They sacrifice their social lives in their prime years all for success, progress, and growth. They understand the commitment they need to put in.
The fact is that when you do what you love you end up satisfied, successful or not. Dancers do not need to be successful; we need to respect them for simply doing what they love. Not all businessmen/women, doctors, or engineers are successful either. So respect the profession and the people in it. Respect their values and determination. They endure and grow each day; they motivate us all.
I respect you all; keep doing what you do, and the world will watch!