So, you clicked one the article, the title must have worked. Gotcha!
It seems the further we travel into the digital age, the shorter our attention spans grow. It’s sometimes rare anyone listens to a full song until the end before switching it to their next option. When was the last time you watched television without looking at your phone every five minutes? Something odd is happening to us; we have so many outrageous forms of entertainment through technology, we can’t even make time to enjoy them to the fullest. Get this: My mom actually reads articles in magazines! For me, that’s a rare occasion, I don’t have the time with so many distractions. The progression of our shortening attention spans, has brought along the epidemic of THE LIST.
What the hell is up with all these lists? Scrolling down my Facebook ‘News Feed’ right now, I’m seeing “14 Best and Worst Foods For Your Digestion”, “18 Signs you’re living your life like The Walking Dead”, “9 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You”, and “22 Struggles All Emotionally Unavailable People Will Understand”.... The saddest part of this is that I actually click on that! They’re entertaining, and continually get thousands of ‘shares’ via Facebook posts on our buddy’s wall. But frankly, most of it is crap, as in not actually useful or educational in any way. When did writing an article become listing the obvious above some pictures?
It’s just sad how much of a strain it is for some people to actually read a legitimate piece of writing about something interesting. Even more so, why couldn’t the article just be titled “The Struggles of Emotionally Unavailable People”? It might have even be a lighthearted and meaningful article! It’s important to make the time to make meaningful and thoughtful pieces of work that actually serve purpose in reading; perhaps then, people would be better people. Listing is a nasty habit, it’s the easy way out (boycott!).
There is something to be said about an article or novel that connects the audience and the writer; it is truly sentimental. Be mindful what you are feeding your brain and how that affects the person you are.