When I was growing up, I remember seeing this crazy medical show come on the TV, but I never took the time to actually watch. I thought it was just another boring adult, and I was too busy watching MTV shows anyways. When I went off to college, I discovered this incredible thing called Netflix that allowed me to watch all kinds of shows whenever I wanted to. When I first got Netflix, I had no idea what to watch. I had several people telling me to start the "Grey’s Anatomy" series, and so I decided to take their advice and begin the series. From the moment I started watching it, I fell in love. I was hooked on every episode, even the ones that broke my heart. Three years later, I am obsessed with the show (probably not the healthiest thing) and here is why.
1. Meredith and Derrick are the cutest couple ever.
2. Their babies are too.
3. Mcdreamy and Mcsteamy. Enough said.
4. They are always doing ground-breaking medicine.
5. Watching it makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
6. It will also make me feel like I can perform heart surgery at any moment.
7. I strive to have a friendship like Meredith and Christina’s.
8. It will break your heart by killing someone off the show, but then warm you by replacing them with someone just as amazing.
9. After watching everything that happens to Meredith, I feel lucky to live the life that I do.
10. Watching Alex Karev take care of babies makes me fall in love every day.
11. I envy Dr. Bailey and her will power to do anything that she sets her mind to.
12. It is an emotional rollercoaster that you will never want to get off of.