1. You get to see them, every day.
In college I always see my best friends all of the time, but living with them makes it that much easier. You see them when you wake up, when you fall asleep, through the times you are struggling to make dinner and the times you want to stay in for a wine night.
2. Early morning cuddle sessions.
Nothing is better than jumping into bed with your bestie the morning after an exciting night. There’s something special about talking about the memories made while in your own house with your best friend.
3. Scaring them any chance possible.
We all know how fun it is to scare your best friend, especially when you get it on video. Living with your best friend allows you to do that any time of the day or night. When they are cleaning their rooms or hanging out in the living room, anytime is open for a good scare.
4. Movie nights in are easy.
When you all are feeling tired and need a break, it’s easy to have a night in when you live with your best friends. You could have just as much fun going out than you could staying in watching Disney movies when you live with your best friends.
5. Family dinners.
Family dinners are the best, especially when your best friends are sitting around the table. Some of the best night starts with a great cooked meal from all of my roomies. The conversations are never dull either.
6. Sharing clothes, of course.
Sharing clothes is an obvious bonus of living with your best friends. Amongst my best friends it would be hard to never have a cute outfit to wear. Whether it be going on a date or going out on a Friday night, there are always some clothes there for you to borrow.
7. Rides to class.
Walking to class in the rain or in the winter sucks, we all know. But it makes everything better when you and your best friends workout a driving schedule. In the rain and the snow, there’s no better way to get to class other than getting a ride from your best friend.
8. Being there for each other through the hardest times.
Sometimes things happen unexpectedly. More than likely your best friend is right by your side to help you through. At home your family are the ones that support you through hard times - but when you live with your best friends, they become your family.
9. Being able to be yourself.
My best friends are some of the weirdest people I know. Luckily enough I am just as weird as they are. Living with them allows me to be myself 100 percent of the time. I don’t feel weird singing loudly in my room or dancing around the house.
10. Sleepover every night.
Living with your best friends is a sleepover every night, as cliché as that sounds. Whether you’re staying in with a movie and some popcorn or going out, living with your best friends feels like a never-ending sleepover.
11. Constant laughs and giggles.
While living with my best friends I can’t remember a day without laughs. Most of the time laughing until we cry over the silliest things. The endless amount of memories I have that ends with laughter makes living with my best friends worth every minute.
12. Growing with each other.
Through the years of living with your best friend, you watch them grow in so many ways. You watch them grow into the people they will be for the rest of their lives. You watch them grow and prepare for life after college. You watch them take on challenges and make mistakes, but are always there to comfort them at the end of the day. Living with my best friends might possibly be one of the best decisions I have made. I am blessed to have them in my life every day, literally.