Summer is great, isn’t it? It comes with horrible tan lines, soggy pants when you’re out in this Midwestern weather for an hour and sweating even when you’re inside because you feel like you can never escape the heat.
Okay, that’s a harsh description. I love summer. It is a good break for me as a student to recharge, relax and spend time with family and old friends. However, also as a student, I am so dang ready to move back into college! I have been counting down the days since May.
For all of you other college students out there not ready for move in day or syllabus day, here are 12 reasons we should be pumped up right now.
1. We get to leave our parent’s house.
Yes, I hear all of your relieving “aahh” noises as you think about being in your apartment/dorm away from mom and dad. Parents, thank you for creating us and raising us, but we are kind of adults now, so we gotta run.
2. Getting settled in.
Leaving your parent's house means your dorm or apartment is your official college pad! Make it however you desire, and love it.
3. Finally, we can go back to a routine again.
Summer comes along with fun adventures and busy part time jobs or internships, but all of that feels chaotic in those three rough months. At least when you move back to school it will be a somewhat controlled-by-yourself chaos that is performed with others your age.
4. Meal plans!
For me, summer consists of restaurant working late nights, so I end up having to go buy Taco Bell or McDonald’s, or I’ll be eating some leftovers from a week ago. Therefore, we can be excited to have a meal plan that provides three actual meals a day, no matter how rough your school café can be.
5. Free gym memberships.
I can only pray that you others at college get this luxury. Meal plans are great, but that is why they give students a free gym membership. They know what they are doing to us by giving us that full buffet style option.
6. Study time = coffee time!
For me and others I know, studying and working on semester projects means pumping out the coffee taste buds. My college career will not only be an achievement for me, but a mystical coffee extravaganza.
7. Sports.
From August to May there are baseball playoffs, the entire college and pro football season and all the crazy plays to catch on the big screen with other college sports fanatics.
8. All the pizza.
Eating pizza makes my heart happy…I’m sure it actually doesn’t. However, the on-campus parties for St. Louis Cardinal’s opening day, or the Super Bowl, or even a Halloween party always consist of so much free pizza. That is never a bad thing.
9. Back to being the poor student.
This sounds rough, but going into my junior year, I now laugh and enjoy the poor memories. For example, I gave my girlfriend a dorm room Valentine's date with macaroni and cheese, sparkling grape juice and a movie! It's the fun memories that are worth being broke for a few years.
10. Another year of looking
So, this goes out to the single men and women. You've had a long summer with all the people you grew up with at home. As you go back to school, there will be so many new people to meet. It is time to get your charm on, figure out who you want to be and go find that soulmate of yours!
11. College friends
Truthfully, this is one of the biggest ones. Those guys and gals who go through this time called college become the most important in your life. So, get pumped for all those crazy times you'll have with them the next nine months!
12. One more year of intelligence
I'll wrap this up with a cliche one, of course. College is about being educated in that field where your passion lies and also figuring yourself out in deciding what kind of person you want to be. It is time to focus, people. No matter what year in college you're in, it is essential. Patrick Star sums this up perfectly.
Fellow peers, have fun this year, eat lots of pizza, find that special someone and work out because you'll get fat if you don't.