12 Reasons Finals Week Is A True American Horror Story | The Odyssey Online
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12 Reasons Finals Week Is A True American Horror Story

Most monsters are human, some are exams.

12 Reasons Finals Week Is A True American Horror Story
Wikimedia Commons

Finals week is occurring across all campuses, and if you listen closely, you can hear the moans and tears of college students struggling to make it to Christmas! Finals are a stressful time for students; trying to study and become excited for going home for the holidays, wrap presents and wrap their brains around the covered material, and everyone's worst horror story: ACCUMULATIVE FINALS!

American Horror Story (AHS), directed by Brad Falchuck and the notorious Ryan Murphy, gives everyone a peek into the darkness that we all question. From adultery to ghosts to aliens to scary clowns with half of their face gone! AHS is a good representation of most campuses with most students too spaced out to think, or most too drunk to realize that half of their face isn't gone. These 12 reasons will give a peek into why finals are death to a college student.

1. Finals are spread out over the course of a week's time.

Once you're done with finals, you're able to head home and enjoy the holidays. So if you have an exam on Friday from 8-10p.m., you may just be missing out on family dinner. You may think you're lucky with Monday exams, but what about time to study?

2. Finals can be a deciding factor if you pass or fail a course.

While most follow the motto of "C's get degrees," for their college years, some don't quite make it into the C range either. However, there is still hope....you just have to make a 108 and turn in extra credit in that Biology class to make a *low* C!

3. After so long of studying, the words just start making less sense than when you started.

You feel like your brain is going to turn into mush, the Mountain Dew and pizza no longer influence your work ethic and honestly your bed continues to get more and more seductive to you. You know you shouldn't go cuddle up with your pillows and watch the latest episode of Archer, but god this college thing gets hard!

4. With all the studying that you have to do, you get concerned texts from friends and family making sure you're alive.

You reassure them that you're fine, you have been eating and drinking (not healthily, but that's none of their business) and that you've got to get back to figuring out the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis...or is it Metamorphosis?

5. Your eating habits to stay awake are definitely preparing you for New Year's resolutions.

If you have to question if that is too much grease on the fast food bag, you better be prepared to meet Freshman 15, even if you are a 5th year senior. (I know rabbit food isn't going to keep you awake, but come on, you've got to draw the line somewhere!)

6. With all the stress going on over the week, you contemplate dropping out and becoming an "exotic dancer" way more than your mom would approve of.

"Do I really have to worry about passing math? I can make over $100,000 just by taking my clothes off in a seductive way!" It's a very tempting thought, but would you want to be the talk of your friends for being "sooo successful"? Exactly.

7. When finals come to town, you can't enjoy the lazy luxuries you enjoy during a typical week!

Some days it is just nice to come home, get in your pajamas, and binge watch Jersey Shore because you can relate to them on a personal level after the day you've had. But when finals come around, they just have to be the center of attention with their final portfolios, projects, and exams all over the week!

8. *Jokingly* You think about what would it be like to be in a different hell than the one you're in currently.

JOKINGLY SPEAKING HERE! Finals are stressful, and can sometimes feel like you're trapped in your own personal hell. It may not be Misty Day's dissecting frogs hell, but after this week you can think happy thoughts of presents and your entire family asking how college is going.

9. When its time for your final, you have to ACTUALLY go to class.

I know the point in itself is a true horror story, but you actually have to get out of bed and go in to take the exam. You can get dolled up if you want, most won't recognize you anyways because you haven't been to class in 3 weeks, but hell what's the difference in beauty between sweats and sweater dresses?!

10. You underestimate the power that you possess when you stress too much.

We all worry about making a good grade on our exams, both for ourselves and our family, but when you stress to an exaggerating point, it feels like it won't happen. I know that finals are tough, but you conquered this semester, so what's the difference in yourself? You have to be the first person to believe in yourself, before anyone else will believe you.

11. Finals can put a damper on your plans with friends.

We all love to dress our best and go out for Thirsty Thursday, but with an 8 a.m. exam on Friday morning, maybe you should sit out this round. There will always be nights of going out in college, not just on the weekends, so don't let this act of responsibility for your exams get you down. (P.S. Denis O'Hare played a phenomenal role as Liz Taylor in Season 5!)

12. You don't get to be home enjoying time with your family over the holiday.

I know it seems that your holiday plans are *no pun intended* shot to pieces, but your family understands that you are bettering yourself, and your future, and get that you are growing up into a career that you will love. Don't let two less days at home ruin the other 19 days you are there.

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