I don't know about you, but I'm excited for the return of "Shameless." "Shameless" is a crazy show that you can watch on Netflix or Hulu that deals with the hardships of having little to no money, relationship problems, and family problems. The main reason I watch it? Because of some of the characters. Lip Gallagher is my favorite (besides Carl, of course); he's funny, intelligent, and just adorable. If you haven't fallen in love with him yet, here are some reasons to fall in love with him.
12. He doesn't care about what anyone thinks about him.
Lip is probably the most care-free character in the series. He doesn't care about a single thing that people say. We should all be a little more like Lip.
11. He is the typical college student.
When haven't any of us used this excuse when talking to a professor.
10. The way he treats Mandy.
Yeah, sure, at first he was an idiot but he came to his senses (kind of). He turned into an idiot again (due to his professor), but I have high hopes for him in season 8.
9. The way he cares for his siblings.
His bond with Liam is probably the cutest thing in the world. He would do anything for any one of his siblings. He's the least selfish person I know.
8. He is the only responsible one in the household.
You would have thought by now all the Gallaghers would have learned to hide the house money, but apparently, Lip is the only one. This makes him really seem as if he has his stuff together. From the money, taxes, bills, and getting groceries - Lip knows what he's doing (Sorry not sorry Fiona).
7. His sarcastic comments towards others.
He is probably the most sarcastic one out of the whole Gallagher clan.
6. His eyes.
Don't have to say much about this because it's pretty explanatory - just look at them.
5. His Glo-Up.
Once again, pretty explanatory.
4. The way he dresses.
His outfits are probably what make him. Whether it's his opened-finger gloves or just anything really - he rocks it.
3. He makes cigarettes look attractive??
I'm not one for smoking at all, but Lip makes it look really good.
2. The Biceps.
More like bye-ceps.
1. Just him.
You're lying if you don't find him attractive... Just saying.