If you haven't heard, Disney has a new princess movie coming out this fall. Before you groan and complain about anotherDisney Princess movie, you might want to pause and take a look at this one. Her name is Moana, she's the first princess of her kind, and I couldn't be more thrilled to see her break onto the big screen. Full disclosure: I got teary-eyed just watching the first trailer (but yes, I'm a Disney fanatic too). These are 12 reasons I'm super excited for "Moana," and you should be too!
1. She's Disney's first Polynesian princess.
Disney has actively been expanding to include more diverse princesses. We have Tiana from "Princess and the Frog," Mulan from "Mulan" and now Moana. It's no where close to perfect, but it's the beginning of addressing a dearth in the diversity of princesses outside of Europe. We love Aurora, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Elsa, but people of color are just as worthy of representation.
2. Moana is being voiced by a Disney newcomer: Auli’i Cravalho.
Yes! After several well-known actresses voicing Disney Princesses (Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and Mandy Moore, to name a few) Disney has brought in a native Hawaiian to play Moana. She's only 14 years old, but I'm excited to see what she will bring to the film. Her callback video was released and if you haven't seen it yet, you should definitely check it out. She's adorable.
3. Her demigod friend is voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
"The Rock" is not only voicing the Polynesian demigod Maui, he's also reportedly singing in this movie! Yes, you read that correctly--Dwayne Johnson is going to be singing. I don't have a clue what he's singing about, but I'm so ready for it.
4. Moana's sidekick is a piglet!
Have you seen this pig? He/she looks cute as a button and I only saw them in the trailer for three seconds! The way it tilts its head and the way Moana carries it around already makes me really happy and super excited to see what role he will play. Just look at him!
5. Her body image is more realistic, yet still similar to the Disney Princess mold.
A Disney animator released his initial sketches of Moana, her father and Maui in an effort to explain the reasoning behind their images (when that was the latest controversy). This sketch points out that she has the basic Disney structure, but a little more curved and rounded. To me, this is a huge step to showing young girls that all body types can be princesses.
6. In fact, all of the characters seem to reflect the Polynesian body image.
Disney animators (as I mentioned above) came under fire because of the broadness and build of Maui's character. However, what many people have pointed out and what I believe as well, Maui is portraying a Polynesian demigod! This is not making someone obese to joke, he's barrel chested and broad because that's how Polynesian standards are. Not to mention, Disney has a tendency to model their characters after their voice actors. Broad chested, huge...doesn't sound like "The Rock" at all. Mhm?
7. Her movie won't have a love story.
This is the first Disney movie to actively not have a love story. This news came as "Moana" was doing press at San Diego Comic Con and surprised many. Though I'm not quite sure what this means for the movie, I'm certain that "Moana" is more than capable of functioning without a love story, which is appropriate, as her voice is only 14 years old and it's possible her character is that young as well.
8. The music is being composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Along with Mark Manchina and Opetaia Foa'i, the Tony-award winning Miranda will be composing the music for "Moana." If that doesn't excite you, just remember that he also wrote Hamilton which won a great many Tony awards. He's an incredible writer and composer, and I can't wait to see what he brings.
9. Plus, the music already feels like it's going to reflect the Polynesian culture.
If you haven't seen the trailer already, watch it. Then watch it again and listen to the music. It already sounds more Polynesian in sound to me, and even though I'm not an expert, that gets me really excited. Plus, they have someone of Polynesian heritage working with them on the music: Opetaia Foa'i. This is going to be an incredible score.
10. The scenery from the trailers and teasers are drop dead beautiful.
Now you need to watch the trailer again and see the backgrounds that the animators have produced for this island film. I didn't get my fill of island life with Lilo and Stitch, so I'm more than happy to see the palm trees and mountains in this film.
11. The magic you see in the trailers is pretty awesome.
Maui turns into a bird-owl-flying creature just because he wanted to. Moana seems to be able to control some of the water tides because she gets to stare at a fish swimming in the water above her while standing on flat ground. Not only that, but the water occasionally styles her toddler hair? I'd love to have that skill anyway, but I can't wait to see what Disney does with it.
12. Both her parents might be alive?
I was looking at the Moana website that Disney has set up and it looks like Moana not only has a living grandmother, but BOTH of her parents might be alive! This isn't an incredibly common theme now, so this is yet another departure from the Disney princess norm. I fear it might not stay that way, but I'm very excited to see what will happen.
If you've read all of this and you're still not excited, it might be time to watch the trailer again. It's going to be an incredible movie and I'm more than excited enough for all of us, but I'd sure welcome the company. What are you most looking forward to in "Moana?"