Dogs are hands down one of the greatest things to ever happen to this world. Whenever people let you down, dogs are there to cheer you up. You can always count on them for a good laugh and they make the best cuddle buddies around. I can't imagine what my life would be without dogs, but I can assure you it would be far less amusing. I'll never understand what we did to deserve dogs but here are some top moments that make me thankful we have them.
1. They'll do anything to cheer you up.
It's hard to be sad when you have a big ball of fluff staring up at you trying to cheer you up.
2. You can always count on them for a laugh.
Dogs are incredibly smart, but they have their moments. I mean hey, we all do. Who knows maybe they'll find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of the window? Until then I'll sit back and continue laughing at them.
3. They're constantly doing cute things.
As if dogs and babies weren't cute enough on their own. Add them together and you just don't stand a chance.
4. They make great cuddle buddies.
"Oh sorry, can't get up, don't want to wake the dog." Greatest nap enablers ever.
5. They're as loyal as it gets.
As cliche as it seems, people always leave but a dog never will. They don't call them mans best friend for no reason- easily the greatest companion to have.
6. They don't judge you.
So you're going on hour five of binge watching Grey's Anatomy, they don't judge. They'll be curled up right next to you the whole time.
7. They're always excited to see you.
It doesn't matter if you've been gone for two minutes or two years, you can always count on a slobber filled, wiggly butt greeting from your dog when you walk through the door. There's really nothing better after a long day.
8. They make great listeners.
A dog will listen to you ramble about how annoying your boss is for hours on end or practice a speech over and over again. All while keeping an interested look on their cute little face.
9. They make great workout partners.
Cutest. Personal. Trainer. Ever.
10. Even when you don't want to workout.
They'll bug you until you get up and get moving. But how could you say no to that?
11. They're more patient than any of your friends.
Dogs will put up with just about anything and still love you. You can dress them up in costumes and while they may give you the most pitiful looks in the world, they'll forgive you.
12. Even when they're bad, they're still so cute.
I'm not sure when dog shaming became so poplar but I am SO glad that it did. Dogs seem to get themselves into trouble a lot, but you can't deny how cute and funny it is.
I'll probably never understand what we did to deserve dogs, but I couldn't imagine life without them.