Transitioning from high school to college takes some time to get used to. But you will learn soon enough just how much better college life is than those high school days.
1. Cell phone use.
Teachers will no longer tell you to put your phones away. However, you may want to put it away for your own benefit and pay attention.
2. No more waiting to use the bathroom.
Yes, it is indeed true that you can just get up and leave the classroom to use the bathroom. No more having to raise your hand to ask for permission. But I do recommend leaving when the time is right and not in the middle of an important message from your professor.3. Better food selection.
Most college campuses offer multiple assortments of food. At High Point University you can choose between a steakhouse restaurant and Subway. That sounds a lot better than the food they serve in high school cafeterias if you ask me.4. Time in between classes.
In high school you were given only a few minutes to walk to-and-from your classes. In college, your advisors try their best to create a schedule that works best for you. Some days you may have three classes each an hour apart and other days you may be lucky enough to not have any classes at all. Unfortunately though, you may believe you have too much free time if you don't manage your time properly.5. Fresh air.
Being able to walk outside to and from my classes makes me feel so much better by the end of the day. The fresh air is definitely a positive feature to campus life. Also, walking everywhere keeps you in shape.6. Campus activities.
There are tons of activities planned by faculty and staff as well as students. At High Point, there is always something going on whether its a movie in the cinema or trivia night.7. Clubs and organizations.
Yes there were clubs and organizations in high school, but clubs and organizations take a turn for the better in college. There are an assorted array of programs such as sports, major-related clubs, campus involvement, Greek life, service organizations, and so much more. Most are student run programs with funding often times coming straight from the school. Joining a club or organization can really help you meet new people and break out of your comfort zone.8. Friends.
You meet so many new people in college and its neat to know that you're not all from the same places. Your roommate could live five miles from campus whereas your next door neighbor could live in a different country. No matter where they come from, over time you will make friends that will last a life time.9. Living with your new family.
For those people that never had to share a room before, rooming with someone for the first time may be kind of scary. But overtime you come to realize that having 30+ sisters/brothers on your floor means you will always have someone to talk to.10. Adulting begins.
You are seen as an adult on campus. Take pride in no longer being treated like a baby in high school. The adult world comes into full swing sooner than you may realize, but its a great feeling.11. Freedom.
The dictionary definition of the word freedom is "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." In college you are given more freedom to live your life the way you want without restraint from teachers and parents.12. Responsibility.
As Uncle Ben from Spider Man put it "with great power comes great responsibility," also think of it as "with great freedom comes great responsibility." Your parents and teachers are no longer restraining your freedom but they will also no longer be babying your every move.Now obviously there are tons more reasons college is better than high school. There may also be multiple reasons high school is better than college. But you will never be able to go back, you might as well accept college life and embrace your wonderful future ahead.