By the time finals roll around, every college student just can’t wait to do one thing: go home. As soon as the last final is over, we jump into any car, bus or plane that will take you homeward. Being at home, at first, is great! You get to lounge around, see your high school buddies and just relax. But college students can only relax for so long until they get antsy. They just want to go back to school and start living again.
1. Your mom drives you crazy.
Since you chill and watch Netflix for at least a part of the time you’re home, your mom comes home from work and asks you what you did today. When you respond "nothing," she freaks out at you for not doing the dishes or the laundry. She didn’t even ask you to do it!
2. You start to get bored out of your skull.
Relaxation is a beautiful thing. However, after a while you realized that school has kept you so busy that you don’t even know what to do with all this time.
3. You finished the show you were bingeing all break.
It’s heartbreaking when you finished bingeing a show that really spoke to your soul. After it’s over, you’re not quite sure what to do with yourself.
4. You get to throw that book aside that you said you would read, but you “never got around to it.”
The phrase “I need to read more” is the most common complaint in the English language. Just kidding, it’s probably “But why, Mom!?” Most people say they’re going to sit down over break and read a book or two. But do they? Almost never.
5. After New Year's, there’s nothing to look forward to than going back to school.
As stupid as it sounds, it's true.
6. You miss your college friends.
Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook have kept you in contact with your college friends during winter break. However, it’s not enough.
7. Since you have to tiptoe around your parents at home, you miss having unrestricted fun that college provides.
Want to have a couple friends over at midnight? Can’t—parents are sleeping. You want to drink “Kool-aid” quietly in your basement while your parents sleep? What are we, in high school?
8. You get to get away from those crazy people from high school (you were so happy to leave the first time, and then you realize they never go away).
When you first go away to college, you think to yourself, “I will never ever see these crazy people again!” What you didn’t think about was the breaks and summers at home. You will see those people every once in awhile.
9. You spend all break thinking about how you can make this semester better, and all you want to do is get started.
Everyone has some sort “New Semester Resolution.” Break drags on forever, making it feel like your life will never begin again.
10. If you live more up north, you can’t wait to go sledding on a pizza box.
Every college has some sort of crazy winter “sport." Since this year has been pretty snow-less, I can’t wait for the snow to fall so I can sled down a hill on a pizza box. College kid style.
11. Did I say your parents drive you crazy?
Yeah, they’re still yelling at you for no reason.
12. You get to be independent and on your own at school, and being at home for a couple weeks almost makes you feel like you’re a kid again.
It’s nice at first, but after a while, you realize you don’t want to go backward; you want to go forward.
I can only imagine what summer break will be like.