There are a variety of lists explaining how special and important sisterhood is. What many people don't understand is that there really aren't words to describe such a special bond. They are literally your everything. They are the ones who are truly there for you no matter the time or day. It's difficult to imagine a life without them. From experience, I can say that the thought of life without one is one of the most petrifying thoughts you can have. Therefore, I dedicate this article to both of my sisters. Here are 12 reasons life without your sisters wouldn't be the same:
1. They know you better than anyone because they've lived the majority of your childhood experiences by your side. Therefore, they know exactly what you're feeling and do not need an explanation. They just get it.
2. They're your traveling companions. This means that they own every single unfortunate picture and can blackmail you. It also means that you'll never be bored on those excruciatingly long plane rides. They will also be the ones you'll be pulling all-nighters with when you're only going to get two or three hours of sleep.
3. The know all about the family drama and help you deal with it. They are the only ones who understand how overwhelming it can all be.
4. They approve/disapprove of absolutely everyone in your life. If they don't like someone, they will absolutely make sure you are aware of it. They usually end up being right so it's always best to back away from the people they don't like.
5. They give you advice when you need it. It doesn't matter whether it's about an awkward topic. If they're older, they have probably already lived it. Additionally, it's way better and easier to go to them with things than to your parents.
6. You can't get rid of each other no matter how much you would like to. This means it doesn't matter if you fight with them or not. They can't just walk away and leave you.
7. They are the ones who truly hope you succeed in life. They support you in reaching all of your goals, and encourage you to keep moving forward.
8. They accept you for who you are. It doesn't matter if you're completely nuts or actually sane. The reason is probably because they are just as strange as you are but don't notice it.
9. They will be your wing-man in anything and everything. It doesn't matter if you're at a bar, skydiving, or ready to go head to head with your parents. Let's face it, you guys have been getting into trouble together since day one. Everything together always seems like a good idea. This means that they are also the main reason you get into and out of trouble.
10. They teach you the true meaning of fashion. You've been stealing their clothes from an early age, which is the main reason you know how to dress yourself. Additionally, you can assure yourself that they will make you change if you look bad.
11. They always tell you the truth no matter how harsh it is. It's difficult to find people who will do this because sometimes we really don't want to hear it.
12. You love each other unconditionally. Without their crazy behinds, who would really make you feel loved through bullying? They make you stronger, which is what makes your relationship and love equally as strong.