Arizona State University is a place where students far and wide come to have an excellent education and attend some of the best parties in the nation. People come from all around the country and world to have this once in a lifetime college experience. When you tell people you go to ASU, they say “wow that must be insane!” Yes, there is no arguing that. However, people fail to acknowledge all the difficulties we have to go through as attendees of the largest party school on the west coast.
1. We have to balance work, school and going out at least five times a week.
Our poor livers and brains go through a lot.
2. We have to be tan all year round so it’s just another thing to fit into our schedule.
Whether it's to fake and bake or lay out by the pool, it takes at least 15 extra minutes out of our day.3. Year round pool parties mean we have to be fit all the time too, which can be the biggest struggle when you are going out five times a week.
Not even an hour of stairs can cancel out all those beers you shotgunned the night before.
4. Choosing what to do every Friday and Saturday night can cause a lot of stress.
Which frat party? Which bar? Mill or Scottsdale? And then there is the worry of making the wrong choice. It can really take a toll on your emotions.
5. Physically and mentally we push ourselves to the limit, we excel in all aspects of life so normally when we decide to cut something out sleep is the first thing to go.
Even if you were up all night studying for a final, you better bet you’ll find us ASU students up just as late the next night partying and celebrating. Sleep is for the weak.6. We have to struggle with budgeting in a lot of extra necessities
.No way are we missing out on a trip to Vegas, Mad Decent, Country Thunder, Waste Management Open, or any of the other must go to's we all plan to attend. Oh, and not to mention the number of Halloween costumes we have to create, it gets pretty pricey.
7. We have the hardship of FOMO ruling our life.
With something going on every second you always are convincing yourself you must attend, regardless if your friends or body tell you otherwise. Truly it’s not healthy.
8. The heat mixed with the amount of alcohol we consume is definitely not good for our physiques.
Thoughts: Probably not drinking enough water, probably should stop consuming shots, probably not going to change any of that.
9. We have to deal with a galore of drunk a**holes.
Unfortunately, intoxicated humans that still don't know how to hold their alcohol can be found at all hours and the fact that we have to tolerate them on a day to day basis should be an award in itself. It's tough to handle, but we can't really complain because we know we've all been there.
10. The party nature is inflicted on you, no matter how much you try to stray away your stuck with this morale forever.
You won’t be able to go longer than a week without craving social interaction.11. We have to build up enough energy to get out of bed with an hour of sleep, a horrible hangover and eight hours of work ahead of us.
Only the most talented of people can wake up from a previous night of apple pie shots, pizza and regrets and still seize the day, and also excel at school or work or whatever it may be.12. Studying is way more difficult when you are an ASU student.
Going to Hayden to study is already difficult because well… it’s you know... studying, but what makes it worse is right across the street, less than a 10 minute walk away, the happiest place on earth awaits, Mill Avenue. How are you supposed to focus when all you can think of is grabbing a bucket at CASA, dancing on tables at Gringo, singing out country songs at Whiskey and ending the night with a slice of pizza at Spinelli’s? It’s cruel actually. And a test that only the best can pass to not let those wonderful distractions tear you away from your laptop.