Congratulations! You did it!
You may have not slept in 4 days, eaten anything healthy and lived off of coffee... but you still did it.
So congratulations, you didn't let finals week kill you. But you did let them open your eyes to some realizations...
1. Like your bed is actually your one and only true love
You have never really missed someone or something until you miss your bed. There is absolutely nothing that can replace it.
2. Coffee can keep you awake for 96 consecutive hours if you really believe in it
Nobody said it was the healthy way to live, but since when do college students listen to others?
3. Your professor lied when he said you couldn't wait till the last minute to study
Hey. More power to you. You're the real MVP and totally took on his challenge, and won. You're "watch me" attitude, really came in clutch.
...mainly because they were so proud when you didn't get that F like you said you were going to.
5. C's really do get degrees.
And sometimes D's do too, depending on the kind of college you go to and if art class is really going to help you become a better Lawyer one day.
6. Junk food does give you stomach aches
We've known this but yet it will forever be easier to sit there and eat popcorn while we study rather than a big ole' salad.
7. The youtube videos you thought were so funny last week, are actually really stupid.
This is how you know you have become an absolute master at procrastination and find absolutely everything funny when you are sleep deprived.
8. The library actually has eight floors.
....I bet you didn't know that, and I am just as stunned as you are.
9. Lists are like actually really helpful
Remember all that down time you had? Yeah, you were supposed to be cramming for the final at 1:30 and finishing a project that was due 3 days ago. But don't worry because by the end of the week, you learned to write that crap down.
10. You don't actually need to shower everyday
Personal hygiene is great and all, and I totally suggest it, but you learned that body spray really covers up that week old sweat.
11. "1 glass of wine" really means 6.
Shout out to finals week for really bringing out your inner alcoholic.
12. You're a freaking champ.
You survived finals week. And even if you have more finals weeks to come, you're a champ and deserve a medal or something.
So yes, you may not have gotten any sleep, eaten properly, had any form of a social life and cried more tears in one week than you have in your entire life, but at least you survived....right?