College is supposed to be the best four years of our lives. It is more like the best four years of your life minus the finals weeks you endure during your college career. Am I the only one that thinks spring semester finals are so much worse than fall semester finals? Regardless on how you feel about that, here are things we all think and do. Don't worry you're not that crazy.
1. Looking at the study guide from your professor and wondering when you learned about some of this.
*screaming on the inside*
2. Contemplating paying someone to write your final paper for you, then realizing you're a broke college student.
Why did I go to Chipotle so many times? I should've saved my money for a moment like this.
3. The joy you feel when you find out your final is not cumulative.
Thank you eight pound six ounce little baby Jesus.
4. The moment when your inevitable finals week breakdown hits you. Hard.
I know I've called my mom three times this week already.
5. Hearing from friends in different sections about how hard the finals is and freaking out.
I appreciate the heads up, but my stress level just shot through the roof. Thanks.
6. Looking up the salaries of jobs that don't require college degrees during your second mental break of the week.
Why am I taking finals if I could apply for one of these jobs and support myself? Oh yeah because I'm drowning in student loans by this point.
7. You constantly tell people you are busy studying, when in reality you're just getting anxiety staring at your books.
After convincing yourself you just need a short break from studying staring at books, you turn on Netflix and probably fall asleep for four hours.
8. You start calculations to figure out what you need on the final to pass the class.
"Guys, I only need 108 percent on the final to pass the class with a 70 percent!"
9. You despise talking to the one person who actually knows what they are talking about for this research paper.
"No, I'm not finished yet, nor do I have my 15 sources yet."
10. Daily pep talks to yourself are completely normal and necessary.
All your friends are busy enough so you're the one telling you to get your sh*t together.
11. Let's not forget the super stressor known as packing.
Why do I own so much crap? Why did I bring these roller blades to school? I haven't used them since I was 6 years old. Mom is gonna kill me trying to fit all this in the car.
12. After everything is done, you can finally peace out for the summer.
Goodbye papers, 8 a.m. classes and reading quizzes. Hello sleeping in, beach trips and a whole lot of relaxation. HAGS!
Now get off my article and go actually study for those finals, so you don't freak out like Ned.