1. Did you guys have to put in a housing deposit?
2. Are you planning on moving to the apartment quad in a year or two?
3. How do you feel about Rockland?
4. Should we change our mascot from the Stevenson Mustangs to the Stevenson Geese now?
5. Why do you guys get so defensive whenever we drive/walk by? We lived here first!
6. Wait. Why did you pick the back of Patapsco to nest, anyways?
7. Was it because of the heating vent?
8. Why are there only three of you?
9. Aren't there supposed to be more in a flock?
10. (@Mother Goose) When are the eggs due?
11. What are you going to name them?
12. Why am I asking all these questions?
All joking aside, I actually think it's pretty cool the geese have nested here. It's important to live in peace with nature and the other life around us.
To all my fellow students, just be respectful and don't agitate or antagonize the geese... there's no point in making them upset.