All season long, materialism bombards me. How big was your bonus? Did you give each of your children the latest iPhone? From disturbing ads to long lines at checkout, the joy of this season is often constrained by the need to physically represent love and appreciation.
That said, my beautiful, amazing, genius of a sister decided to do what none of us have done before. She forced us to give our gifts to charity. I spent mine to help two small businesses in developing countries.
"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.’ Hungry not only for bread — but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing — but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks — but homeless because of rejection.” - Mother Teresa
If giving really is the best part of presents, why not give to someone in need? There are the more traditional ways to help people in impoverished nations.There are also many ways to purchase an actual object for your loved one where the majority of the money goes towards a good cause! Here are eleven ways for your holiday gift giving to make a difference.
1. Uncharted Play
This one's probably the coolest in my mind. "Minutes of Play = Hours of Power" This is innovation at its best.
2. Rock & Rawhide
They donate toys to animals in shelters. The goal is to socialize the dogs and cats, because the friendlier they are, the more likely they will be adopted and not euthanized. This organization is fairly new, but they're looking to expand outside of NYC.
"Kiva is a non-profit organization whose mission is to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty in over 70 countries. They leverage the internet and a network of microfinance institutions." - Kiva
For the competitive cousins out there, your family can start a team and compete to donate the most! Our team is named What Would Thatcher Do, after my father's labrador who can do no wrong. I've given to a woman's salon in Mozambique (because she had a lovely smile in her photo) and a bakery in Guatemala (because who doesn't love sweet treats?). You can enjoy many of the success stories online.
4. Adventure Project
We "add venture" capital to create jobs in developing countries.
Because jobs change lives.
We Give Aid Through Trade
It's a leg up, not a handout.
More Than Jobs - Life Savers.
It's a sustainable solution.
5. Bikes Without Borders
We take for granted our ability to move from place to place, to walk to the T station, to drive to the grocery store, even to call for an ambulance. This company donates bicycles to places where walking to the hospital may take days or simply be impossible.6. The Intrepid Foundation's Global Gifts
You can check out their numerous and diverse stories online, from caring for animals in Egypt and Elephants in Thailand to numerous cataract surgeries. If you do not cry at that 3-month-old donkey, your heart is made of stone.
7. Endangered Species Chocolate
Chocolate saving the planet? This is a dream come true. My wonderful Grandmama on every single one of her visits has given me a chocolate bar from this organization. It's a wonderful little gesture.
8. Wildize
Wildize attempts to create an Africa where the people and wildlife interact sustainably. While you can simply give money, there is an option to purchase textiles and sculptures as a form of donation.
9. Polar Bears International
These cuddly-fierce adorable-killer creatures are slowly going extinct. That makes this gift imperative.
10. Skyline Socks
This organization donates one pair for every pair you purchase to a nonprofit in the city that you're repping.
11. Out of Print
Gift the book lover in your life an item in memoriam of a band or burned book, and a book will be donated abroad.
12. Everything Happy
For the couple who has just had a child or your expecting sister, these clothes and toys are made for kids by kids. With the motto "One to Love, One to Give" for every purchase, an item will be donated to an orphanage or hospital around the world.
The point is, there's a lot to be thankful for this year. With so much cheer, why not spread the joy around? Do some good before the year is out.