When someone on the subway exhibits a behavior that pisses me off, I can see where New Yorkers get the stereotype that we are rude and constantly grumpy. To an outsider, these pet peeves will sound extremely petty. However, to someone that has to take the subway on a daily basis, you will know exactly what I mean when I say that the people that do these things are 100 percent the spawns of Satan.
1. When people bring their large suitcase on during rush hour:
“I’m sorry!” “Oh it’s fine….”
2. When there is plenty of room and someone doesn’t move all the way in:
And wanting to scream at them to move in, but also not wanting to seem like an a**hole.
3. When people don’t stand clear of the closing doors and it delays the train:
Even after it is announced several times to stop blocking it.
4. When people try to squeeze their way into a jam-packed car to the point where they are hanging out the door:
There will be another one in two minutes, just get off.
5. People who hold the door open because they are waiting for all their friends:
Stop delaying the train. They will get the next one.
6. Dudes who take up an entire bench by spreading their legs:
Like, I get it, but can you at least try to make room?7. People who take up an entire pole by leaning on it:
I guess they choose to ignore the signs that say “don’t be a pole hog.”8. People who stand behind you and cough/ sneeze/breathe down your neck:
Just...can you not?
9. People who sit right on top of you when the car is basically empty:
Personal space. Please and thank you.10. People who keep their overstuffed backpacks on their back in a crowded car:
It is even worse if you are sitting and they are standing with their back facing you. The backpack is basically beating up your face for the entire ride.
11. When people try to shove you into the car when there is literally nowhere you can go:
Stop touching me thanks.