College is an exciting experience for anyone who completes the difficult high school transition. With more free time than students know how to utilize, each day is vacant with tempting opportunities to leave your comfort zone and establish lasting friendships through unforgettable memories. Weekdays consume countless hours dedicated for diligent studying and other class priorities while weekends are resigned for personal relaxation. As every student remains accountable for their weekend decisions, the stress and anxiety of a college lifestyle gradually becomes more bearable. Nevertheless, with each demanding week and academic responsibility emerges numerous irritating campus pet peeves. Please enjoy 12 challenging pet peeves for a typical college student.
1. Distracted by classroom technology.
At least one class has a student that sits in front of you and watches videos or plays distracting games on their computer. In this case, you might as well ask another student for notes that day.
2. Someone who sits next to you when other spots are open.
One of the most irritating pet peeves is when a student chooses to work directly beside you despite the other 100 open tables nearby.
3. Coping with your roommate's unfortunate habits.
Each year presents the typical dorm dilemma where roommates forget to pick up their dirty clothes, take out the overflowing trash, ask permission before inviting friends over, and many more unfavorable behaviors.
4. Students who skip or slack off during class but ask for help later.
Classes are challenging enough without dealing with students who believe they can pass the class by robbing others' hard work and attention.
5. Hearing intelligent students claim they're not smart enough.
Nothing is more invigorating than sitting through yet another conversation with someone who claims classes are too difficult when they're passing with flying colors.
6. Maneuvering past slow walkers.
7. Professors who needlessly hold back class.
8. Clicking pens and squeaking chairs.
These little behaviors are some of the most aggravating distractions within the classroom. As each tap and squeak causes surrounding students to cringe with bottled up emotion, the urge to call out the culprit is more than tempting.
9. Tolerating talkaholics.
Apparently whatever they have to say is more important than anyone else's opinion. They pride themselves for transforming into a human megaphone to voice each and every thought in mind. Coincidence? I think not.
10. Babysitting drunk friends while you're sober.
Nothing is more vexing and exhausting than interacting with a large crowd of individuals filled with liquid luck.
11. Interacting with an energetic early birds.
Sometimes the early bird should just go back to sleep.
12. Dealing with a teacher's pet.
Impressing your teachers through class participation and excelling on tests and other graded assignments is the best policy toward success.