12 People You'll Meet By The 12th Day Of Christmas | The Odyssey Online
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12 People You'll Meet By The 12th Day Of Christmas

Yes, you know them. We all do.

12 People You'll Meet By The 12th Day Of Christmas
Common Sense Media

The holidays are a fun time of year for everyone and everything. I say this, even though I know someone out there will argue with me about it.

But it's fine, argue with me. Tell me that you don't like the new winter flavors at Starbucks, or that you hate the ugly Christmas sweaters people wear to parties.

Maybe even throw in there how you hate how all you hear is Mariah blaring through supermarkets, restaurants, and the radio what it is she wants for Christmas.

You're one of those people we meet on Christmas. No matter how you spin it, you're part of the fun.

As modeled after the 12 days of Christmas, here are the 12 people you meet during the Holidays.

1. The Scrooge

This person hates all things Christmas and they'll groan and moan whenever they see the red and green streamers, the happy children in the street, or so much as a peppermint in a bowl.

2. The Christmas Prince/ Princess

This person is that person you love—the one you want to spend the holidays with (whether or not they feel the same way about you). They're the one you want under the mistletoe.

3. The 'Thanksgiving Doesn't Exist' Believer

This person has been playing Christmas playlists, setting up a Christmas tree, and sending you Christmas memes since the first day of November.

4. The Generous Gift-Giver

This person is the friend you made a pact with that you aren't getting each other anything over ten dollars this year for a present. They agree, but end up actually buying you a diamond...and then you're there, looking cheap with that magnet you got them from CVS.

5. The Santa

This person is that eager gift-maker who wraps every present five times over and has all the gifts figured out at least two years prior to the actual day of gift-giving.

6. The Drinker

This person sees the holidays as a time to drink. And not the milk next to the cookies. Maybe something a little bit stronger.

7. The Family Man

This person sees this time of year as a time to get the whole family together—to them, getting the family all in one place for the holidays is, as they say, "the best present" they could possibly get.

8. The Santa Belly

This person knows the holidays are a time for loose pants and sweatshirts. This person cleans their plate and knows the glory of a home-cooked meal.

9. The Hanukkah Spokesman

This person gets triggered whenever only Christmas is brought up. Their ugly Christmas sweaters are actually blue and white striped, featuring a menorah. They will forever stand by dreidels and latkes, and know they deserve more recognition and hype.

10. The "Let's Do A Secret Santa" Starter

This person knows they're broke and there's no way they can afford any presents. They are the ones starting that group chat offering a Secret Santa, with a five dollar price limit.

11. The Lonely Soul

This person reminds you they have no one to kiss on New Year's, and they tell you how much they hate the holidays because there's just too much love. How dare others be so happy?

12. The Elf

This person just screams Christmas. They're constantly in fuzzy socks, warm sweaters, leggings, under a blanket, watching "Love Actually" or "The Christmas Prince"—movies they've watched the previous year. They're belting out to "Last Christmas" in the shower, always drinking out of mugs, and set fireplaces as their desktop pictures.

Wishing you all the best of holidays!

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