Minnesota is the land of ten thousand lakes, and the land of even more stereotypes. It's an interesting state full of interesting people, and after living here for a while, there are things you'll come to understand that no out-of-staters will.
1. There are only two seasons here: Winter and not winter
Also known as road construction season.
2. Anything above freezing = shorts weather
40 degrees you say? Bring out the bathing suits!
3. Everyone is obsessed with the weather
It's in all of the small talk. And normal talk. It's hard not be obsessed when you can experience all four seasons in a week.
4. You haven't experienced winter until you've experienced Minnesota's winter.
Snow taller than you isn't unusual. Everything getting covered in ice is normal. And any temperature above zero starts to feel warm.
5. Minnesota Nice is very very real and very very...nice.
It means everyone waves to you, you'll get a lot of free food, and even strangers smile at you.
6. That also means everyone is passive-aggressive.
Minnesota nice second meaning: The ability to smile to your face and talk crap about you later.
7. There's no party like a Minnesota party
There's always lots of food, people that know you but you don't know them, and a fire somewhere.
8. No one out of state knows what you're talking about when you say 'The Cities'.
Minneapolis and St. Paul is waaay too many syllables...
9. The Minneapolis suburbs feel endless
We're in a different town? But it looks the same as the last 10...
10. The difference between rural and urban here is huge.
Modern to hicksville in under five miles.
11. The mosquito is the state bird now
With 10,000 lakes comes 10,000 times the mosquitoes....