There are many different characters that make up a party, here are just a few.
1. The drunkest girl at the party
This is the girl who is having the time of her life, she is dancing, winning games, pretty much just the winner of the night.
2. The dancing queen
These are the ones who are dancing the night away. You'll probably here "THIS IS MY SONG!!" a lot from these people, definitely not the best dancers.
3. The ones who aren't drunk but are pretending to be
These are usually the younger people at the party, they probably had one beer but are acting like they drank a whole handle.
4. The mom
The one running around picking up after everyone. You'll probably here "You promise you're okay?" a lot from this person.
5. The dead one
No one really knows if this person is just laying down or ready to throw up everywhere.
6. The one who hits on every girl
There's always that one guy who tries to hit on every girl attending, little does he know girls talk. We will find out if you are trying to get with everyone here.
7. The awkward couple in the corner
They were invited because they never really go out but they just sit alone and either make out with each other the whole time or give all the single party goers the dirties looks they've ever seen.
8. The deep conversationalist
Once this person gets drunk they are an open book, you can ask them anything and they will tell you. The conversations you have with the person will last longer than you ever expected.
9. The drinking game master
The one who claims they will beat you in any game you play but they can back their word.
10. The crier
This person will cry over anything, usually had something bad happen recently. Once they get alcohol in them it is like Niagara Falls.
11. The one nobody knows
No one knows who invited this person or what their name is, but they seem pretty cool so it's whatever.
12. The DD
Usually looks like they want to leave and not having a good time.