American Sign Language (ASL) is one of the most commonly used languages in the United States. Whenever I tell people that I am a Deaf studies minor, everyone begins to ask me about sign language. Here are the twelve most common things that people have said to me.
1. "I know sign language!" *Flips you off*
Just stop it right there.
2. "How do you say *insert bad word/inappropriate word here*
You do realize I'm not going to tell you, right?
3. *Does a bunch of random hand gestures* "What did I just say?"
Nothing. You said absolutely nothing. Also, don't be disrespectful to someone's language.
4. "It's so cool you can talk to death people." I can't talk to dead people. But I can talk to Deaf people.
5. "It must suck to be Deaf."
I mean it probably isn't easy for Deaf people to live in a hearing world, but it most certainly does not suck for them.
6. "How do Deaf people do *insert task here*?"
The same way you do, I'd assume.
7. *Sees two people signing* "What are they saying?"
I am not going to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation because that's rude.
8. "Isn't ASL just gesturing to things?"
No it's a way to communicate.
9. "Isn't ASL just signed English?"
Sign language has its own unique grammar that is not the same as English. So no, ASL is not English. However, there is something called SEE which means signing exact English but that's another topic for another day.
10. "I don't get why Deaf people can't just get hearing aids or learn how to talk- it'll make their life so much easier."
Ok first, mind your business. Second, what a Deaf person chooses to do regarding their hearing is completely up to them. Also, lipreading isn't something easy- only 30% of words can be understood.
11. "Do you have to know Braille?"
12. "Can you teach me some words in sign language?"
I'd love to teach you appropriate words in sign language!