One. Tree. Hill.
If you've ever watched the show you can probably agree that those three words mean very much. After 9 seasons of heartbreak, tears, and friendship you don't really know how to react. You could re-watch it all 7 more times and still drool every time you see the boy draft (I mean, Chad Michael Murray shirtless is absolutely priceless), you could wallow in self pity and cry over that fact that you were never a tree hill raven, you could leave Gavin Degraw's I Don't Wanna Be on repeat for the rest of eternity, or you could look back and reminisce on all of the truly amazing things that one group of people from a small town in North Carolina taught you.
Where it all began. This quote explains just how fast time flies by. Never rush things, live in the moment and enjoy your life now life you can.
How your story ends is up to you. No matter what obstacles stand in your way you have the chance to over come them. Through everything that was thrown at Peyton and Lucas they still found a way to make it work in the end.
Although this one is of Peyton being stalked the meaning behind the quote is still very true. You never know who is watching, admiring you, or looking up to you as a role mole so make sure you live the most authentic life that you can.
If Dan Scott taught me anything it's that everyone hates Dan Scott. But his point is very valid. Happiness is not a handout and sometimes sacrifices must be made because in the end it's your own happiness that matters.
Ah good ole Jamie Scott, the child we all wish was our own. He never failed to cheer us up even in the worst of situations. He taught us that crying is okay, that sometimes to feel better all you need is a good cry.
This one is pretty self explanatory.
clothes over bros.
Everyone was shocked when Brooke made her transformation to one of the most thoughtful and amazing characters in the show. This scene was probably her most powerful statement. You will always be labeled but it's how you go about those labels that defines you as a person. Don't let anything or anyone make you feel less than what you are.
It was a real twist when Peyton's long lost brother came into the show, her real one. At first she was skeptical but he was always there to tell her what she needed to hear. No one is ever happy and satisfied all of the time. So when you're upset, hurt, or just feeling down you can't let that defeat you. You have to get up and keep pushing through.
Music was a huge part of One Tree Hill so this quote has a lot of meaning to it. Just as Peyton's mother told her, just because the song ends doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the music.
Fitting in can be hard especially when you have everyone judging you, but as we learned earlier from Brooke we need to take those labels and rip them up and stomp on them because we are better than that.
If Jamie didn't already melt your heart enough then came along Logan. This was the scene where we all lost it. Here we learned that anyone can be forgiven no matter what they did wrong. Life is too short to hold grudges.
Finally the last quote of the entire show. One of the most meaningful things that was ever said. And then it ended. Every cast member interjected their own line and that was it. This was the quote they left our minds to chew on, and it definitely was a great one.