12 Oddly Satisfying Things | The Odyssey Online
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12 Oddly Satisfying Things

Some extraodinarily insignificant things that make your day.

12 Oddly Satisfying Things
Bumper Stickerz.com

In a world where so many terrible things have been happening, sometimes it's nice to think of the little things that make you happy. The small things add up and sometimes the most insignificant things bring satisfaction to your life, such as ...

1. Deleting emails

There are few things more satisfying than opening up your email, seeing all sorts of irrelevant messages or advertisements, highlighting them all and triumphantly hitting the trash button.

2. Deleting a friend request

We all get those random friend requests from so and so who lives in the Maldives. We think to ourselves, who are you and how did you find me. Or even better, getting a friend request from a person you’ve never liked. You creep for a hot second and then, bam, no I do not want to be your internet friend.

3. Using gas you didn’t pay for

Hopping in the car with your mind prepared to shell out $30 dollars for gas and realizing that someone already filled the tank! This fills my heart with happiness.

4. Shooting trash into a trash can

We all do it, it’s easy enough to just walk over to the trash can and place your trash in it. But it is way more fun to pretend to be Lebron and shoot that sucker. It only stinks when you miss.

5. Using a pen until the ink is out

This is one of my favorites, holding onto a pen so long that you run it out of ink. In some way it feels like a huge accomplishment. Like saying, “look at me, I write so much that I have drained a pen of its life force. Now it is time to choose another.”

6. Perfectly ripping the edges off a piece of notebook paper

If you went to any school, you know the struggle of ripping a piece of notebook paper out of a spiral notebook, only to have the fuzzies still attached. I have always struggled tearing off the fuzzies without ripping the paper. Oh boy, but when it happens I feel as though I am a surgeon carefully stitching up a wound.

7. Knowing something your parents don’t

Any teenager knows the satisfaction of finally proving their parents wrong. Even if it is something completely trivial. It will remain with you forever, invisible armor to block their assertions for eternity.

8. Successfully throwing or catching with your non dominant hand

I am right handed, as many people are. It feels great when I am able to make use of the left one. Like when something gets tossed to me and my left hand performs just as beautifully as my right. I assume the same is for you lefties out there but reversed.

9. Hanging up on a telemarketer

Calling during dinner is annoying, it feels great to pick up the phone, immediately know that the person on the other end is trying to sell you something and cut the line right in the middle of their opening sentence.

10. Opening your phone right as you get a new text

You’ve been texting someone and your brain somehow unconsciously knows that you’re about to get a text. Before the text even lights up your phone you’ve already got it unlocked and ready to go.

11. Catching something right after you drop it

For my fellow klutz’ out there, you know this feeling. Somehow your phone squirts out of your hand, but before you even know what happened you’ve already caught it again. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you couldn’t have possibly cracked your screen ... again.

12. Being first in a newly opened line

You’re waiting in line to buy some ice cream when magically a new cash register opens and you are now first in line. Now instead of waiting behind the person shopping for an army, you can go on your merry way and eat your ice cream.

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