Although New Year's Eve is just one night, New Year's resolutions are supposed to extend the entire year and help you to start the the rest of your life on the right foot. The key words, however, are supposed to. Despite the good intentions, New Year's resolutions usually only last a few weeks, even for those of us out there with iron wills. Who has time to go to the gym when it's no longer winter break? I'm all for bettering yourself, but don't pretend that you're actually going to stick to these 12 New Year's resolutions.
1. Getting in shape.
As the weeks go on, people can actually find spots at the gym. Someone has to go home and open up those seats on the stationary bike.
2. Eating healthier.
How can you possibly eat salad for an entire year? You deserve pizza.
3. Being adventurous.
Sure, you may try to go outside once or twice after the New Year, but television always wins.
4. Finishing that long-term project.
It's a long-term project for a reason.
5. Keeping a journal.
You have one journal that you keep for about two weeks every year about how you're going to renew yourself. Or it's filled with weird dreams about Tina Fey.
6. Not spending all your money.
You had money; you just don't anymore.
7. Sleeping more.
No matter how much you want to sleep, sometimes school and your social life make it nearly impossible during the semester.
8. Kicking a bad habit.
Maybe you'll last a week, but wine is just too sweet to give up.
9. Stopping procrastination.
I put off putting things off for as long as I could.
10. Reducing stress.
Hide it for as long as you can, it's not actually going anywhere.
11. Spending less time on social media.
You managed to stay off of Facebook and Twitter. Snapchat is another story.
12. Making good decisions in general.
You may have tried your best, but eventually your self-destructive side will win out. You might as well embrace it.