Once again we are at the start of a brand new year. For me that normally means celebrating the ball drop and moving on with my life. I've never really bought into the whole "New Year's resolutions." This year, though, I decided to compile a list of simple changes I want to make in my daily life. Here are 12 things I want to do throughout 2017.
1. Love myself more.
2. Love others more.
3. Enjoy nature more often.
4. Listen in order to understand, instead of listening in order to reply more.
5. Take elevators less.
6. Smile more.
7. Take more time to do things that I truly enjoy.
8. Eat less frozen meals.
9. To not be ashamed of my emotions, even when they're ugly.
10. Put myself first sometimes.
11. Choose to be happy more often.
12. Hug my loved ones more.
Happy New Year. Make it a good one.