Having the ability to make plans without having to run them by your supreme leaders seems like a foreign concept. Before even stepping foot outside the house, your parents already prepared a 25-question quiz about your plans. And once you passed that quiz (which rarely happened), you were ready for another set of questions upon returning from your night out with friends. It is a vicious cycle.
1. Last minute plans? That's a joke.
Your friends make plans at the last second, but you already count yourself out since your parents need your drawn out schedule 8-10 days in advance before giving approval
2. You get a text asking to hang out around 11 p.m. and just reply with “lol.”
3. When your parents ask what you did last night, a one sentence response just will not do.
Your parents expect at least a four-page summary.
4. You end up listening to a 5-hour lecture after recalling a funny story.
5. The firestorm of questions before any social event.
6. Convincing your parents to let you do something is like talking to a brick wall.
7. Missing a phone call resulted in a full interrogation.
8. Getting your phone taken away. All. the. time.
Never having to worry about running out of storage on your phone since you stay deleting half your text messages knowing that your phone would get taken away at some point in the next few days
9. Hanging out with your boyfriend/ girlfriend was never a two-person event.
Your parents “checked-in” at least two times every 5 minutes
10. Making sure your parents are in the best mood ever before asking to do something.
11. Starting most of your sentences with “You are probably going to say no, but…”
12. The missed social events and many punishments were all worth it.
As hard as it is to admit, your parents shaped you into one of the most independent and respectable people. You may have had to skip out on half of your social events, but would not be where you are today without the insane amount of rules and restrictions. Maybe growing up with strict parents wasn’t so bad after all.