Recently I read an article that blamed millennials for ruining the restaurant industry. They said that millennials either eat fast food or make their own food and that's why the fast sit-down restaurant industry is dying. So are they right? Have millennials ruined sit-down restaurants? Many people think that millennials truly have ruined so many things in America! Here are the biggest things that millennials have ruined!
1. Phones
They use their phones way too much. All they do is Snapchat, tweet, and Facebook message people.
2. Movie theaters
Instead of going to the movie theater, millennials just watch Netflix. Why would they refuse to not spend the $20 for a movie and a small popcorn? It's ridiculous.
3. Brunch
They've ruined my favorite meal and made it all about them. It is no longer about enjoying a quiet meal. It is now about sitting there for hours boozing up and taking pictures to show their Instagram followers.
4. Television
Instead of tuning into primetime TV, they just record it and watch it later. That's the reason so many TV shows are having to stop making shows.
5. Good music and CD's
They no longer go to the store and buy CDs. Instead, they listen to their crappy music on their iPods. Also, all they listen to is that pop and rap junk.
6. Dating
They care more about "hooking up" than actually getting to know someone. This is also why the average marriage age is way higher.
7. The economy
Even once they are out of college they won't buy anything! College should make them be able to buy more things. Why can't they afford to buy diamonds and other luxuries?
8. College
Instead of getting a quality education, all they do is party. Also, they've created stupid majors like "The History of Memes." They take no responsibility for their education and want it to be free.
9. Politics
Either they don't vote or they start violent protests. Millennials need to stop being sensitive babies!!
10. The real estate industry
Millenials don't buy homes because they can't afford them. What are you putting your money towards? College? Everyone before them could pay for college by working hard while they were in school. They obviously aren't working hard enough!
11. Cameras
Instead of going out and buying a camera they just use their new phone, and they are constantly taking pictures of everything. Why can't they just remain in the moment and stay present?
12. Books
Instead of reading a book, they use their Kindle. Do millennials even read? I swear all they do is sit on those stupid devices all day.