The 1975 is probably one of the most magical, ethereal bands I have ever listened to and seen live. Their colorful sets for each of their songs makes their shows come alive. I had the privilege of seeing them in concert and the post concert depression is still here. I wish I could see them again and hopefully they will come back to New England. The band is made up of four members; Matty Healy, George Daniel, Ross MacDonald and Adam Hann. They are from the UK, Manchester in fact. They have two albums out one is black and white and it's self titled The 1975 and I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
1. The band has been together since they were 13 years old.
Adam, the other guitarist along side Matty brought the band together when they were in high school. Look how far they've come.
2. Only 2/4 members do interviews and press.
Ross and Adam are a little more quiet and reserved which is why Matty and George do most of th talking.
3. They tell their fans at the concerts to put their phones down for at least one song.
At the concert I went to the song I put my phone away for was "Me" and it was the most euphoric and magical experience of my life.
4. They write and edit their own music.
Matty has even stated that he doesn't respect artists that don't write their own music and sing with backup recordings.
5. They get really personal in their songs.
Their song "UGH" is about Matty's cocaine addiction, "Nana" is about Matty's dead grandmother, and "If I Believe You" is about Matty being an atheist.
6. The 1975 got their name from a poetry book.
Matty found a book of poetry and stated “In the back there were all these mental scribblings, it was almost suicidal, and it was dated at the bottom '1st June, The 1975'.
7. They are not a pop boy band.
8. Matty Healy is the lead singer and guitarist for the band, George Daniel is the drummer, Adamn Hann is another guitarist and Ross Macdonald is the bassist.
Did I mention how GORGEOUS and adorable they are?
9. I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it is inspired by many 80's
10. Their music video for "The Sound" showcases things people have said about their music and the song drags the haters out of the park.
With a song lyric like "You only call me when you're bored and playing with yourself" which is my personal favorite, is a clap back to all of the obnoxious things people have said like the gif above. A giant "F You!" all the haters.
11. Their self titled album is black and white and their second album is pink and white.
12. Their second album is the first longest titled album to reach number 1 on the Billboard 200 chart.
The 1975 are one of my favorite bands and having the privilege to see them live is something I will never regret. Their albums can be found on Spotify and iTunes if you need some new music to listen to I suggest it. Also if the 1975 end up reading this I have one note