12 Lessons High School Musical Has Taught Us | The Odyssey Online
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12 Lessons High School Musical Has Taught Us

Even though it's been 10 years, the lessons are still relevant.

12 Lessons High School Musical Has Taught Us
Herald Magazine

Last week, "High School Musical" had its 10-year reunion. While there was lots of drama (like Zac Efron not showing up to the reunion show on Disney Channel), it's time we look back at review everything that HSM taught us.

1. It's okay to let it all out with your best friend

They know you better than anyone else. When you've had a bad day, sometimes you've just got to dance around with them

2. Remember where you came from

In the wise words of Troy Bolton, "Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat." Your roots are what make you you, so don't forget where you came from.

3. Growing up can be hard

It's okay if you don't know what you're doing in life right now. Take time to figure it out and talk to people close to you about it.

4. Stand up for yourself and do the right thing

People will talk and say mean things, but remember to stand up for yourself. Don't let a bully ruin your day.

5. Focus on your dreams

Having something to work towards will make you work harder in life. Keep your head in the game and work towards your dreams.

6. Do what makes you happy

Just because no one else likes what you do, it doesn't mean you have to hide it or stop liking it. Enjoy whatever you like. Do you.

7. Taking chances is worth it, especially when it's New Years Eve. At a ski resort. And you're singing karaoke.

The chances that you're spending New Years with your parents is pretty slim, but if you are, I highly suggest volunteering for karaoke. #RelationshipGoals

8. Talk to your crush

Take note from Sharpay. Say hi. Who knows, they might be into you, too.

9. Don't be embarrassed about your insecurities

Everyone has something they're embarrassed about. Use your insecurities to make you stronger. You'll be more confident and get farther in life.

10. Believe in your relationships

Haters will hate. There are plenty of Sharpay's in this world trying to break up the Troy and Gabriella's. Fight for your relationships.

11. Ask for what you want

Don't go overboard and ask for lifeguards imported from Spain, but don't be too shy to not say anything at all. It's okay to treat yourself.

12. One person can change everything

For every guy out there, there's a Gabriella waiting for you. For every girl out there, there's a Troy waiting to sweep you off your feet. One person can change your whole life and you'll be so incredibly glad they did.

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