12 Things I Learned In My First Year At Miami
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12 Things I Learned In My First Year At Miami

It's not the home that makes the home, it's the people that make the home.

12 Things I Learned In My First Year At Miami
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It is safe to say that freshman year changed me from the inside out.

I never knew that the first year on my own would help me truly discover who I am. This girl was always there, but over the course of this year, I truly found her.

But finding her was a matter of the twelve crucial things I learned in college.

1. Laundry isn't all that bad

To start off on a humorous note, I really was shocked by this one. Before going to college, I thought laundry would be the death of me. However, I slowly began to enjoy it overtime. It began to be a time I looked forward to, because it was something I was doing that was productive. Out of all the things I was procrastinating to do, it felt good to get some laundry done from time to time.

2. A strong umbrella is crucial

It's the end of the year and my umbrella is completely broken. The amount of times the wind would flip it upward, causing water to splash on my face, was way too many. Considering I settled for a polka dot umbrella, I wasn't thinking about the strength but instead the fashion. And yes, if you can get both of these qualities in an umbrella, good for you. However, I would more so warn you to try to get the widest circumference and sturdiest thing you can find. It's okay to sacrifice the cuteness factor in an umbrella, and you'll thank yourself when it's a torrential downpour outside and you have to walk to all of your classes.

3. You find you're in the wrong major

Before college, I was set on being an English Teacher. But during my teaching class, I found I was constantly dozing off. I was thinking about what I wanted to eat that day, all of the things I had to get done, and looking up articles on my computer. It was obvious I was in the wrong place and that God had different things in store for me.

4. You find what you love

When a door closes, we usually find another one opens. When you start to hate your major, it's usually because you are being drawn to something you truly have passion for. And with passion comes success, no matter what the annual salary is.

5. Grades are not everything

It is really a pain in the butt to put all of your worth into grades. You grow up thinking you need to get straight A's, but in college, this is almost impossible. And the truth is, getting straight A's might take more away from your college experience than add to it. College is a time to work hard, of course, but it's also a time to learn about yourself and work at getting certain positions. I find most employers care more about what you did in college than the number of your GPA.

6. Joining organizations is the best thing you can do

Sure, you might meet some awesome people on your floor or in your classes, but there's nothing like a friendship made when both are stepping out of their comfort zones. I basically met all my friends through getting out of my dorm and going to club meetings and things I was interested in.

7. A bible study is crucial

The first year is hard, and you need girls to lean on and speak truth into you through these times. First semester I was really involved in one, and then second semester hit when I had a class at the same time and day of the bible study, causing me to miss it every week. My college experience wasn't the same. I have made a vow to myself that I need to be in a bible study every semester of college, because it is incredibly important to be live life with like-minded girls.

8. Alone time is crucial as well

Your freshman year is the first time you'll probably comfortable with being alone. In this, you learn so much more about yourself and time for reflection. It is really healthy to step out of everyday life and do things that charge you and build you up.

9. People pleasing is a trap

It is so easy to want everyone to like you when you get to college. But this is only going to do more harm than good. I learned in college to let go of the need to please everyone because in all actuality, I am not going to be able to make everybody happy. Not everyone will like me, and that's okay! That makes the relationships I do have so much sweeter, because I didn't have to change my opinions to make them happy.

10. Focus on the good

In college, there are a lot of negative things to focus on. However, the key is to focus on the good. To be grateful for what you have, even when the waters look rough. Anyone can focus on the bad, but the key is stepping out and looking on the bright side.

11. It's not how you picture it to be

This is a good thing. If we got everything we thought we would get, wouldn't life be boring? I find that what we don't expect is much better for us than if we could orchestrate our lives perfectly.

12. The people you surround yourself with will shape your experience

It is really important to choose wisely who you spend time with. I heard once that you are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most, and this could not be more true. If you hang out with girls who gossip their ears off, do not support you in your decisions, do not love you in the way you should be loved, pressure you do to do things you wouldn't normally do... then you just might be with the wrong friends.

But if you surround yourself with people that make you laugh, leave you feeling excited about the future, are there for you when you're down, support you in the decisions you make and tell you when you are making wrong ones- these are forever friends. And sister, you have got to hold on to them.

We need our "people." We had our family surrounding us growing up, but in college it is our job to pick the people who will be our family.

I believe no matter where you are, it's not the school that makes the school, it's the people that make the school. After all, the home is where the heart is. As The Head And The Heart say, "You're already home where you feel loved."

If you haven't found your people or your "home," don't worry. There are plenty of people out there that you'll meet in the next three years that will love and cherish you. But it's up to you to make decision to step out of your comfort zone and look for the good ones. It is also up to you to guard your heart with some not-so-good ones.

Who you let in to your life could make or break your college experience.

All in all, freshmen year has been quite the roller-coaster, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It made me figure out who I am and what I truly needed. And if we're being honest, these aspects needed to be learned the hard way.

As this chapter ends, I find true excitement for the next. However, I'll always remember how this part of my book shaped and made me into the girl I was meant to be all along.

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