1. Your experience is what you make it.
Attitude is everything. If you want to have a good time, you probably will. If all you can think of is the negative side of things though, you might not have as much fun as you could have. (A little enthusiasm goes a long way)
2. You won't be friends with everyone.
And thats ok. There's no rule in life that says you have to be best friends with everyone, you don't have to be friends at all. However, learning to put aside your differences and work together can make the school day or workday much easier.
3. Practice makes permanent.
It doesn't matter so much what you practice as how you practice. Taking the time to practice a piece correctly and practicing until you can't get it wrong will make it perfect. It is very hard to relearn something after practicing it incorrectly, though. And if you don't practice at all... well that habit will become permanent too.
4. Be yourself and have fun!
It doesn't matter what people think of you, so do what makes you happy. If that means throwing a dance party in chorus, or rocking out to Gangnam Style with the band during pep rally, then go for it. No one can judge you for being happy!
5. Try something new.
Whether that's arranging your own piece of music, trying out for a solo, taking on a new leadership position, or something else, don't be afraid to try. What's the worst that could happen? If it doesn't work out the first time, you can just try again! Its better to have tried and learned from the experience than to look back and wonder "what if?".
6. Learn from those around you.
Teachers, friends, parents... Everyone has different ways of doing things, different opinions and different experiences. You never know what you could learn just by asking a few questions.
7. Mistakes are part of learning.
There will be times when you screw up or just don't know what to do. That's ok, nobody's perfect. What is important, though, is that you learn from that mistake and do better the next time. ( And don't be afraid to ask for help! There's almost always someone who knows what to do)
8. The smallest things can mean the most.
Hanging out in the band room after school, going on Dunkin' runs before concerts, singing your school's fight song instead of playing it... The list could go on forever. These might seem like insignificant things that happen all the time, but looking back on them, these are some of the things you'll miss the most.
9. Take an opportunity when you get one.
Being part of a music department can provide many different opportunities, such as going to festivals and competitions, providing music for community events, etc. Make the most of these opportunities because the memories you'll make are unforgettable. You won't want to look back and regret not participating.
10. Things will change.
Nothing ever stays the same, and that's ok. You might not like the changes, but there's usually a good reason behind them so don't be afraid to ask.
11. Live in the moment.
As Dr. Seuss said, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
12. Family doesn't have to be related.
Although no one can replace one's true family, sometimes we're lucky and find a second one. I consider the friends I made through the music department my second family and we all know we spend just as much time with each other as with our own families. We're re always here for each other and the friendships we've made will definitely last a lifetime.