Have you ever gone out and realized you don't have that one small thing that would have been really helpful in your current situation? If you're always forgetting to put tissues in your bag and need a master list of items you should probably keep on you at all times, look no further. Here's a list of some bag essentials that are proven to save the day.
1. Hand Sanitizer
This is important, especially if you live in a city. Public transportation has the ability to make you feel like your hands are infested with every kind of germ, so it's always good to carry around some form of hand sanitizer. Clean hands help prevent you from getting sick with things like the cold and the flu, so you may want to pack a bottle next time.
2. Tissues
These can be used in a pinch for a ton of scenarios. Do you have a runny nose? Use a tissue. Are you bleeding? A tissue can help with that. Are you in a bathroom without any toilet paper? Yep, tissues can help with that too.
3. Nail File
It sucks when your nail breaks into a jagged claw and you have nothing to fix it with. Luckily, a nail file can fix this.
4. Pads/Tampons
Periods suck. Periods that randomly show up when they're not supposed to suck even more, but being prepared definitely doesn't suck.
5. Floss
There's nothing worse than having an important meeting after eating your everything bagel without having any floss to get rid of the poppy seeds that will inevitably make a home for themselves in between your teeth.
6. Gum/Mints
You never know when you'll want minty fresh breath. Luckily if you have a pack of gum or mints in your bag you won't have to worry about it.
7. Perfume
If you find yourself needing to freshen up during the day, a spray of perfume can help out. Also if you can't find any deodorant, this is typically the next best thing.
8. Deodorant
No, it's not for eating, but it will help if you find you need to reapply deodorant during the day.
9. Lotion
This is especially helpful in the winter when skin is more prone to drying out and cracking.
10. Lip Balm ![]()
This is an item that you won't realize you need until your lips are cracked and crying out for help. It's probably best to throw it into your bag now, just to be safe.
11. Hair Ties
These always seem to be getting lost, and if they're not, a friend is asking for one. Throwing a couple into your bag for safe measure probably wouldn't hurt.
12. Band-Aids
Cuts happen, and if you happen to have a band-aid when a friend (or you) get a cut, you're automatically a life saver.