The much anticipated week is approaching -- #SB2016. While getting hype for all of your spring break shenanigans, be sure to remember these important items that are easy to leave behind.
1. Your Passport
To some, this seems like a no brainer. If you're lucky enough to be traveling out of the country, a passport had better be at the front of your mind. But, even if you're planning to hang around in the states this year, this can always come in handy. If you come across an opportunity, you can always jump on a cruise last- minute or, even use it as a backup in case you lose your ID.
2. Selfie stick
As much as people enjoy poking fun at selfie sticks, you should have one handy for potential photo ops. Whether you're going hiking in the mountains or surfing at the beach, you'll likely have a cool shot that a selfie stick could've enhanced.
3. Poncho/ Umbrella
Nothing puts a damper on putt putt golf like the prediction of rain. Make sure to pack a poncho so that even if it does rain, you've still got a shot at a hole in one.
4. Portable charger
Not only is it irritating when your phone dies on vacation, but it could be dangerous. Many of us use our phones to navigate, and it's not safe to be lost in an unfamiliar city without any navigation.
5. Knife/ Pepper spray
Along with the lack of knowledge of physical surroundings, while vacationing you also don't know the people around you. It's best to always keep something with you to defend yourself if the need arises.
6. CD's
As much as many of our Pandora playlists are beyond perfect, sometimes you really just need a throwback CD to get the road trip mood started.
7. Spare car key
If you're traveling with close friends, choose someone else to hold onto your spare car key. Being locked out of your car because your keys are inside can be a pretty terrible situation.
8. Bottle opener and coozie
If you're heading to the beach, a keychain bottle opener will be extremely useful, as will a coozie. Plus, this can help ensure that you won't lose your keys.
9. Trash bags
I'm not really sure why, but there always seems to be the need for trash bags on any trip. Grocery bags can be used as trash cans during the ride, and garbage bags can cover the car floor to keep sand from getting in the carpet. Plus, there always seems to be random times when you're frantically searching for a plastic bag.
10. "Beach stuff"
The definition of "beach stuff" ranges from person to person, always adding coolers of food or extra boogie boards. Regardless of your extra, make sure to bring at least two bathing suits, beach shoes, a protective shirt, and sun screen. Regardless of what I said before, a sunburn is actually the biggest damper on a vacation.
11. Cash
Obviously don't leave cash lying around or walk around with stacks, but make sure you have enough to pay for dinner if, for some reason, your credit card won't work in Florida. Also, if you're leaving the U.S., make sure to tell your banks so they don't freeze the accounts.
12. Spare hair ties
I cannot stress enough how important it is to bring spare hair ties. There really isn't much to say here. Just be sure you do not forget them.