Ever wonder why some students excel and others don't? It is as simple as you might think, but they aren't just smart or nerdy. All the top college students share the same habits. Habits that give them an edge in academics and the work force.
1. Consistency/Persistence
These top college students go to class no matter how tired they are, with any minor sicknesses, and no matter what personal issues they have. They work towards their classes every day, not two or three times a week. They don't blow off class for any reason, treating school as their career.
2. Ask Questions/Get Help
The top college students ask questions when they don't understand. They aren't afraid to ask or get help from other students, professors, or tutors. They don't care what others might think of them when asking, and understand they need to squeeze every last bit of information from the education that they pay for.
3. Schedule/Time Management
These students know when everything is due, and prepare weeks in advance. They balance their work through each week according to their schedule (dividing tasks into manageable chunks of time). They get all important things done first, and then relax. They don't procrastinate, and make the best out of each study session.
4. Organization
They have all the necessary tools to get their stuff done, the physical tools, the necessary knowledge, and all the materials needed. They are prepared and ready to go based on each week's schedule, oftentimes much farther ahead of other students. They take efficient and detailed notes, read ahead, and reread.
5. The Right Group
They make friendship decisions wisely, making it a habit to hang out with the most mature, independent, driven, stable people, who know what they want and take the important steps to reach what they want.
6. Eliminate Distractions
One hard thing to do is to put away your phone, lock yourself away from friends, and focus solely on your schoolwork, but this is a normal habit of successful students. They don't allow themselves to get distracted by simple everyday matters that can be looked at during their free time. No social media, no texting, and no socializing. Some relaxing music is about the only thing that's implemented into the studying.
7. Manage Feelings
Not letting your feelings get in the way of academics can be difficult for some, but the top students are positive. They don't dwell on a bad quiz grade that accounts for a very small percentage of their grade. They aren't realistic, they have the mindset that they can do better than they could realistically speaking, always shooting for higher than just an A.
8. Challenge Themselves
Even when nobody is watching, when they don't have to, they challenge themselves. Whether it's reading, writing, or answering questions, they look deeper. They dissect all possibilities and connections, on top of the underlying meaning. They pounce on all opportunities no matter how intimidating, because they know that whatever happens, they will learn something new and better themselves.
9. Open to Critique
No offense taken, these students welcome the feedback. They look back on previous mistakes, comments, and successes to prepare better for the next assignment. They know that any mistakes or successes will bring about a lesson to be learned and referenced in the future.
10. Top Overall Health
Physically, mentally, and emotionally, these students pay as much attention to their health as they do academics. They make all aspects of their health just as much a priority as their most important assignments. After all, what good are academics going to do you when you can't learn properly or live long enough to enjoy your savings?
11. Aren't Too Shy
Taking a paper to your professor's office hours, seeing a tutor, or giving an outstanding presentation is intimidating, but these students put fear aside and take control of it. They put their drive for personal gain, success, and education in front. They aren't afraid to do what they have to do even if it's scary because they know the worst thing that can happen is a mistake that they can learn from, or a success from which they will also learn something. Learning to do this will give you an edge in the workforce of the future.
12. Goal + Plan
Why? What? When? These students know. First they find a goal, then create a plan. They know why they are in college, what steps they need to take, and when they need to take them. When
meaning: at any time. They take matters into their own hands and don't wait for the perfect moment becuase their will never be a perfect moment! Commit to the goal with a plan and do it! If you don't know why, what, and when then what is the point of being in college or pursuing anything?