When the word "college" is said, people think of fun, parties, Greek life and football. But the whole school part of college is easily pushed aside. With a new semester coming up, there are a few habits to get the hang of that will make sure your semester starts off with a bang and ends up with a 4.0!
1. On the first day of classes, go up and introduce yourself to your professor.
It will take maybe 3 minutes, but it will make a good impression on them that you will want to have later.
2. Triple check all of your alarms, especially on test days.
There is no way to make it from your bed to class in four minutes. Even if you do, all the seats will probably be taken, and you'll have to cross over people and that just get's awkward.
3. Take your school ID everywhere.
Teachers usually check it when you turn your test into make sure it's actually you. Also take it to restaurants, stores, and even downtown. Most places offer discounts for students, but you have to have that ID with you.
4. Go to office hours, even if you feel like you know the stuff.
You'll probably learn a new way to look at it, and you will be more likely to remember it come test time.
5. If possible, do your homework right after class.
The material is fresh, and you're still in class mode. If you do it then, you won't have to rush before the deadline.
6. Along with number five, if it's all due at the end of the semester, DO NOT wait till then.
You will have enough stress studying for all of your finals. There isn't enough coffee to help with the added stress of a semester's worth of homework. Do it no later than a week after that class.
7. Take notes.
Even if the teacher uploads all the power points, writing down your notes is the equivalent of reading it seven times. If you're really struggling to remember, rewrite all of your notes in your own words. It will force you to actually understand the material.
8. Study groups are really the best.
Find a few friends, meet up at Starbucks before a test and compare notes. Odds are, at least on person knows the answer that you don't.
9. Email your teacher if you have a question.
And there really are no stupid questions. Showing that you actually want to learn will pay off when you are 0.5 points away from an A.
10. Actually go to class, even if attendance is not mandatory.
There are teachers who will give out bonus points just for showing up. And if it isn't common sense enough, bonus points are your friend.
11. Get a planner, and use it.
There are thousands of options, and a bunch can be customized how you like. Get a bunch of colorful pens and stickers. Staying organized with your time will take a lot off of your shoulders.
12. Have fun!
College is fun. Go Greek, join a bunch of clubs, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Just remember why you are at college in the first place!