Maybe college and Westeros aren't so different after all, despite the constant deaths of your favorite people, kings and queens, dragons, Whitewalkers, and a giant wall of ice (minor details, right?) So, here's twelve Game of Thrones gifs that will hit a little too close to home for some college students:
1. How you feel the day before the first class of the semester
2. Signing up for an 8 AM class and then waking up that morning
3. When you go home and see your friends after your first semester
4. All the advice you get from the upper-classmen
5. Perfecting you "I'm interested in what you have to say" skills during a boring lecture
6. The first time you meet a hot college boy and tell your friends about him
7. When you're at a professor's office hours for a distinct question and they start hounding you about every little thing on your paper
8. All of those tutoring lessons for classes you don't even remember signing up for
9. Finally turning in that paper you've worked on for thirteen hours straight
10. When you see a student athlete on campus
11. When you're making all those future plans with your best friends
12. And finally, how you feel at the end of each semester
(BONUS) Probably how you're going to look forcing your friends to watch all six seasons before the season 7 premiere on July 16
Though it may be summer now, brace yourselves. College is coming, and the essays, group projects, and unwanted general requirement classes come with it. Here's to hoping you make it to the final season.